Chapter 6 Highway to Italica

Start from the beginning

[4-7, Roger] Frost radioed

[6-6, Roger] Kuribayashi radioed

[2-7, Roger] Kim radioed

[2-1, Roger] Ramirez Radioed

[6-9, Roger.] Sgt Johnson radioed

[7-11, Roger] Sgt Conception radioed

Alejandro notices Rory staring at the smoke

"What is it, Rory?" Alejandro asked

"I smell blood" Rory licked her lips

Timeskip to Italica, Princess Piña's contingent Point of View

Piña was peacefully sleeping from a battle till she gets splashed by a bucket of water

"What happened? Is it the enemy?" Piña asked

"I'm not sure if they're enemies or allies. Just come with me, Princess" Grey replied

Short timeskip

Piña opens the door slits and sees a convoy of Armored carriages and Iron elephant

"What is that?" Piña asked

"A-Armored carriages and Armored Elephants, maybe?" Hamilton nervously replied

"No, they're forged in iron" Piña corrected

Norma shouts from one of the towers

"Who's there?! If you aren't enemies, the show yourselves!" Norma shouted

The a couple figures step out of the Armored carriages and iron elephants and they see the infamous Apostle of Emroy, Rory Mercury, an Elf, a Mage and a dozen men in green and sand-green

"Wait... Rory Mercury?! But would an apostle of Emroy really join forces with a bunch of brigands?" Grey asked

"Knowing that bunch, they might." Piña replied

Meanwhile back with 3rd Company

"Itami, knock on that door." Alejandro ordered

"Yes sir." Itami replied

Itami bangs on the door and someone aka a red haired girl, possibly royalty opens the huge wooden door

"Welcome!" The Red head yelled

Alejandro, Allen, Frost and Ramirez are just laughing their asses off as the rest stare at the red haired girl and her companions and the red haired girl sees Itami on the floor shaking because the aforementioned red haired girl forgot the gesture called 'Knocking and check if anyone is going to get hit by the door'

"W-Was that... My doing?" The red haired girl stuttered and all of them nod

Timeskip to the inside of the city

"What the hell We're you thinking?! You didn't realize that somebody might be in front of the gate? Even a dwarf of a commonote would be more careful! Not checking makes you worse than a goblin!" Tuka scolded

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