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"So you really wouldn't tell me what's the deal why you're here with me?" I asked for the nth time while I'm looking for some glasses that I like to buy, we're here in an optical shop now, trying some glasses that suits me.

I kinda get embarrassed right now because Jennifer is still holding my hand, I remember what she told me earlier.

I paused for a bit when I felt Jennifer's hand suddenly holds mine so I quickly looked at her, being confused.

She has that poker face expression like holding my hand is a normal thing to do to her, "we need to hold hands okay? what if you get lost because of that poor eyesight of yours? You'll just gonna make it hard for me to find you so don't let me go, understand?" She said then looked at me so I quickly looked away and just nodded. I don't wanna argue anymore so we held each other's hands silently.

I can still feel that she's staring at me, so I couldn't bring myself to look at her again. I feel so nervous. God help me!

I know holding hands to both girls are pretty normal but I don't know why if it's Jennifer, I kinda feel flustered about it.

"There's no deal okay? Let's just say that I'm making up to you" she said, trying some glasses too like she's also gonna buy. Everything she tries on suits her so well tho.

"Making up with me? For what?" I asked, being confused on what she's talking about.

She heaved a sigh like she's so done with my so many questions today and just rolled her eyes.

"I took your glasses remember? So here I am helping you find a better one. That'll be good on you of course" she replied then stared at me intently so I became conscious.

"R-right. . ." I only replied then avoided her gaze and continued to look some several glasses here in the store.

"Umm. . . Here, what do you think?" I asked then wore the glasses that I randomly picked, trying to change the atmosphere because I felt awkward because of her stares.

"You're cute" she just replied so I got embarrassed, I feel like my face is heating up like crazy. I just know my face turned red now.

"I-I mean the glasses Jen, what do you think-" I was taken aback when she pulled me by the hand and leaned towards me then whispered in my ear.

"Say that again" she suddenly said in my ear, she's so close to the point that I can feel her breath near my ear, my mind went blank for a minute.

"W-what?" I dumbly replied because I don't even know what she's talking about.

"Say my nickname again" she whispered again, I don't know why but it came to me like she's seducing me or I'm just attracted- IT'S BECAUSE OF THE WAY SHE SPEAKS TO ME what the hell is this feeling? I'm not lesbigay. I.Am.Not.

"J-Jen?" I repeated it once again, not actually sure if I'm saying it right. I am so confused why she's being like this to me.

I just heard her giggled like she suddenly felt giddy then quickly pulls away from me having that big smile on her face.

She stared at me for a minute when she suddenly frowned, making me confused again. "Ugh, not yet I guess" she randomly said out of nowhere that I don't know what she's referring to. Not yet what?

I just gave her a confusing look but she already walked away from me. "What about this glasses Jennifer?" I quickly asked before she leaves me behind. I don't know what's wrong with her, she's so confusing, everything she does is so confusing to me.

"Just buy it needy, it looks good on you" she said before she walks out of the store, leaving me.

I don't really get her. She looks so happy awhile ago and then suddenly she's already grumpy, is she pms-ing or something?

I just shook my head then brought the glasses that I chose to buy to the cashier.


"Thanks for riding me home" I said when she already pulled over from our front house.

She didn't say anything so I got out from her car thinking maybe that's the hint that this day is over so she's back to being a bitch towards me, I mean that's what she said earlier, that this is just for a day. I guess her being nice to me is over now.

I was already at the front door of our house when I felt that she also got out from her car then followed me.

"Oh umm, did you forget something?" I asked awkwardly because I don't know why she followed me all the way to our front door.

"No, I just escorted you" she said calmly, so I just nodded my head in response. Why am I so nervous all of a sudden?

"Oh umm, right. Do you wanna come in? I'll prepare dinner, you know, for coming along with me for today" I shyly asked because that's what I can offer to give thanks to her.

Her smile gets widened then she quickly replied, "that'll be nice, I'll accept your offer."

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