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"We want you home in one piece now "

(Italian: Italics)

Mai Chen finally felt that she could live her life in peace, alone

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Mai Chen finally felt that she could live her life in peace, alone.

Her brother and his family had left back to Singapore just two days after Mai's show, knowing she had settled with Popcorn now at her side. Huan was hesitant to leave, as he always was after visiting, and it had created tears for Luli, but it was something they had to do.

Besides, Mai needed to get back to working and it was hard to do with a child in the house because she had to be careful about waking her from naps or annoying her sister-in-law.

Now she could happily play her piano in peace and remain focused.

Not to mention, she knew that she needed to visit her neighbour and favourite friend, Sofia Ricci. 

The blonde was older than Mai by just over six years but had been there for her when her family couldn't get to her over lockdown. With Mai's condition, she couldn't risk getting sick and Sofia looked after her while raising her own kids as well. She showed up to Mai's concerts and made sure she was alright.

Since Sofia was a music blogger, she unintentionally spent a lot of time following Mai in concerts and lectures since she would write about it. She was doing incredibly well as a blogger and Instagram influencer.

"Who's this little guy?" Sofia questioned, staring at the new dog.

"This is popcorn, my service dog," Mai answered.

"Oh, it's about time!" Sofia smiled.

"Yes, it's been a long time," Mai agreed lightly. "Have you and your family been good?"

"My youngest, Alessia, she's doing well," Sofia replied. "But my son, Dante, is at a very annoying age where he's driving me and Giovanni insane."

"I believe that is just kids," Mai laughed. "Luli is having that stage."

"Dante isn't very clingy like Alessia is so he never settles," Sofia replied, as she stared at her espresso. 

"He'll be better when he is older, I am sure," Mai shrugged.

"I hope so," Sofia smiled. "And you? I saw the post of you and those people after your show."

"One of them, Pierre Gasly, actually lives up the street..."

"There is a house and none of us know who live there...it'll be Pierre Gasly then," Sofia replied."I don't know who that is. Am I supposed to?"

"He's some racing driver, Instagram star...I do not know," Mai replied.

"Cool, what is he like?"

"He's kind, I guess. He asked me for coffee before his next race," Mai answers, unconcerned.

"Mai, that's great!" 

"Not really."

"Why?" Sofia gaped.

"When people asked you out for coffee like he did, it's never in a friend way," Mai replied sternly. "I do not have time for relationships, let alone some person who thinks they are a big shot."

"You don't know that, Mai," Sofia replied. "Has he acted like his ego is the size of china?"

"Not yet—"

"Then go to coffee," Sofia insisted. "If you want to friendzone him, go ahead, but for once, why don't you try?"

"Sofia, not everyone needs a partner," Mai mumbled. "I'm happy alone. Besides, the last time I let someone nearly get into a relationship with me, she ran off to Switzerland."

"Oh Mai, things like that can happen but it doesn't mean they always will," Sofia insisted. "You're talking about Annabella and she was lovely. She just had big dreams and those weren't yours. Are you still friends?"

"We are," Mai nodded. "She's getting engaged now."

"Don't live in the past," Sofia gave her a kind look. "I had like ten boyfriends growing up. They were a mix of personalities but Giovanni and I are perfectly happy."

"I'll go for coffee with him but that's it, I mean it."

"Whatever is right for you."

The one thing everyone knew about Mai — the thing that greatly annoyed them — is that she hated admitting other people were right. It was strange because she didn't mind saying she was wrong but she would never say 'you were right'. If she was wrong, so were you.  Perhaps it was because of the way her parents expected her to be good at what she claimed to be good at. 

Even so, it caused Mai a lot of arguments.

"What does he race in?" Sofia questioned.

"Formula 1, I think," Mai shrugged, looking outside where Sofia's kids were running around the garden.

"You don't know Formula 1?" Sofia raised an eyebrow,"The track in Monza? Everyone in Ferrari uniform? No?"

"I don't like motorsport, Sofia," Mai pursed her lip. "Besides, you did not know who he was either."

"Yes but even I know Formula 1, Mai. Giovanni prefers the rally but we watch the Italian Grand Prix...Not that either of us knows names."

"That is not the point here," Mai crossed her arms.

Sofia shook her head with a smile.  They weren't really a family of people who liked anything to do with cars or racing but she found it crazy that Mai hadn't even realised there was a race track near Milan or it was a worldwide sport.

"Mamma, look!"  Alessia yelled, showing up Mother a daisy.

"Beautiful, Alessia,"  Sofia smiled, taking the flower.

"You want?" Alessia held another flower to Mai, who took it gracefully.

"Thank you." Mai smiled.

Some things in life were as simple as being given a flower by a child but other things were as complicated as wondering why a famous formula one driver wanted to ask a random pianist out to Coffee.

Some things in life were as simple as being given a flower by a child but other things were as complicated as wondering why a famous formula one driver wanted to ask a random pianist out to Coffee

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