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"Prince Kaveh," Alhaitham leaned over his face and kissed his forehead. This stubborn idiot really wouldn't wake up without a kiss. The blonde prince wouldn't budge so Alhaitham was forced to kiss his lips. He shouldn't be doing this. The queen had gotten a confirmation of the engagement. 

"Hm?" Kaveh's eyes fluttered open as they usually did. He'd gotten so used to Alhaitham kissing him awake. How was he supposed to survive without this stoic alarm clock? 

"Princess Candace and her envoy will be arriving in the afternoon. Your schedule will mostly entail the preparations for her arrival..." Alhaitham listed off everything as he usually did but Kaveh didn't seem to register anything he was saying. 

"I'm...getting engaged..." Kaveh gripped the sheets tightly, watching the tears fall onto his lap. "I haven't even confessed to the person I like and I'm already getting engaged?" Alhaitham's heart shattered in his chest. Right. He'd been so focused on managing his own emotions (by not allowing himself to feel them) that he neglected to pay attention to the fact that Kaveh might have someone he liked. And here he was kissing him awake all of this time... like an idiot... 

Alhaitham steadied his nerves and cleared his throat. He moved to the wardrobe so his back was facing Kaveh. "There is still time," he offered. "Before the envoy gets here, during your lunch hour, perhaps you can let your feelings be known then? Of course, nothing can come of your relationship but it will at least take the weight off of your chest." 

"Do you mean that?" Kaveh asked, inching closer to the base of the bed. He sat on his legs, staring daggers into Alhaitham's back. 

"Ultimately, the choice is up to you as to whether or not you'd like to disclose your romantic interest in someone." Although, Alhaitham would've preferred if he hadn't. He didn't want more competition. 

"Then, for once in my life I won't stand idly by," Kaveh stood up and wrapped his arms around Alhaitham's chest, hugging him from behind. "Alhaitham, I love you," he said. "I have since we were kids. I fell for your silver hair at first sight even though you manage to press my buttons all of the time. I was hoping you would become the best knight so I could appoint you my bodyguard and force you to stay by my side forever." His voice choked up as he tried to hold back the tears. Alhaitham grabbed Kaveh's hands and removed them from him. He turned around. 

"You said I would take the weight off of my chest but why do I feel heavier?" Kaveh covered his face with his hands. "Forget I said anything. Let's pretend this didn't happen." 

Alhaitham grabbed Kaveh's hand and got on his knees. "It's impossible for me to be your knight now, but I promise to serve you until my last breath," he said, kissing Kaveh's ring finger. "So, just this once, will you allow me to tell you how I feel, Prince Kaveh?" Kaveh nodded. He stared at Alhaitham's lips on his ring finger, completely enthralled and horribly nervous. 

"I love you, my prince." 

Perfect ButlerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz