With no midnight trip to the museum, they didn't have to deal with Nomura. It also meant they didn't confirm she was a changeling. Jim floated it as an idea, she was in charge at the museum after all, but had to agree it could be anyone working there. Still, the seed of doubt was enough for Toby to start questioning if everyone around them was a changeling. It took some calm to brush off the ones he knew when Toby ranted off people to Jim, but he figured he managed. On the day of Toby's rematch against Draal, Jim sat down, and started working on his list.

Save Draal- all of him.
Connect to Nomura- if possible
Contact Douxie- Tell him everything?
Tell the others- When?
Save trollmarket- How?
Find Merlin early? Douxie might help.
Strickler? -Seems to be working itself out
Avoid the darklands- how?
Save Vendel- When he trusts us

And then, remembering what was coming up, he added 'Deal with Not-Enrique.' Before folding it up, and tucking it in his bag. Put down on paper, it wasn't too many things, but he did need to think them over carefully, and judge when it was the right time to act. With all of them, he'd been just a little too late. He needed to figure out what the point of no return was. At least now, he had somewhat of a plan.

He'd told Toby to read the chapters on finding someone's weakness, and judging from the blue light that had shone in his window most of the night, he'd figured out that the amulet translated most the words for him. Hopefully he'd gleen what he needed, or Jim would have to do a quick coaching session. But he knew it would work better if Toby figured it out. And he was pretty sure Toby could figure it out.
Toby was just as displeased as Jim had been to find out that the stakes of this fight were higher. He was pacing back and forth inside the antechamber, glancing out at the gathering crowd, before going back to mumbling to himself.

"You'll be ok, Tobes."

"See, every time you say that, I somehow believe you less and less." Toby muttered, looking out over the arena again. "What if I just run away? What if I don't fight, and apologize?"

"You'll be labeled a coward, you'll never earn their respect, and you can never return to trollmarket, making your job of protecting it very difficult." Blinky informed him.

Toby's shoulders sank, and he looked to Jim. "Take care of nana for me, will you? Please, I hate to think of her all alone..."

"Toby, you'll take care of her yourself. You'll be fine. Don't talk like that." Jim waved it away, but Toby pulled out a letter, handing it to Jim.

"She can't read all that well so... If I don't make it, will you read it to her?"

Jim took it, before bopping Toby on the nose with it.



"I owe you tacos. Remember? We had some last week, you paid, and I said next time on me. You're going to do this, I'm going to give this letter back, and then we'll go get tacos." Jim said.

Toby smiled a little, glancing away, before nodding.

"You studied, you trained, you can do this." Jim grabbed Toby's shoulders, looking him in the eye.

"You're smarter, you already faced Bular, remember? You knocked him back, you can knock Draal all the way down."

"And don't forget to finish it!" Blinky told him firmly, Toby paling.

Jim grabbed his shoulder tighter, meeting his eyes again. "Do it your way."

Toby nodded, hearing Vendel greet the crowd, announcing Draal to them as the troll rolled out into the arena to their cheers. Toby donned his armour, walking up to the gate, mumbling under his breath.

The Bad Guys Justice League: Arcadia-PointWhere stories live. Discover now