"Oh wow..."

"Jim, oh my god. I'm sorry." Claire slipped through, helping him to his feet.

"I'm ok, promise, just lost my balance. But check that out." He nodded to the bridge.

She looked over, letting out a little surprised sound. "That's pretty cool. I wonder what it is... Anyway, we shouldn't be here."

"What's life without a little risk?" Jim asked her, and feeling maybe a little more daring than he should, took her hand. "We're not going to touch anything, just a little sneak peek."

Claire looked down at their hands, and he could see her blush a little, before wrapping her fingers around his.

"Ok, fine." She agreed.

Jim took out his phone, waving at her to come closer, and held it up to take a selfie, the bridge in the background. Claire leaned into his arm, putting her hand around it, smiling into the camera.
He almost wanted to stay in there, but he really didn't want any of the changelings to notice he'd been here or seen it. He did snap another picture before they slipped back outside, Claire still holding his hand. Just as the sheet fell into place behind them, Strickler walked around the corner, spotting them. Claire blushed a little, letting go.

"I'm just gonna... You know... Alright." Before slipping away. Jim watched her go with a smile, Strickler coming up next to him.

"I see that we have gone from staring at, to talking to." He nodded approvingly. "It does tend to help."

"Yeah. Bit more nerve wracking, but totally worth it." Jim nodded, before turning to Strickler, who seemed to debate a little before speaking again.

"I wanted to make sure..."

"I'm sure I'm alright with you asking my mom out." Jim cut him off, smiling at the look on Walter's face. Strickler quickly composed himself again, clearing his throat.

"Right. She mentioned she'd asked, I just... I enjoy her company. But I know that you are very close, and I should hate to come between you. And I know, if she were ever to choose, I would not be the winner."

"She doesn't have to choose. I think you'll be good for each other." Jim assured him, Strickler looking relieved.

Then he glanced at the sheets, and Jim could see a flash go over his face. The realization that this wouldn't last much longer anyway, or so he thought. And there was a hint of sadness there, but it was quickly squashed.

"She did mention you seemed to be spreading yourself a bit thin lately, she's worried. Atlas too carried the world on his shoulders, I should hope your burdens are lighter."

"I'll be fine." Jim nodded. "I have just enough on my plate. I can handle this. And if I need to talk to someone..."

"You may come to me." Strickler nodded, just as Toby skidded around the corner, coming towards them. "Please do not run in the museum, Domzalski."

"Sorry Mr. Strickler, but I need Jim, it's an emergency!"

Strickler gave him a look, one of light concern, but Jim just smiled, and went to meet Toby so he could hurriedly and whisperingly tell him about the picture of a squished goblin Eli had taken.

"A gnome in a dollhouse?!"

Toby and Jim shrugged, Toby stuffing his face with the snacks he'd grabbed from the fridge after their daring escape from the hoard of angry goblins.

"You said take care of it!"

"This is not what I meant, and you know it!" Blinky huffed, pacing the room. "This is indeed the exact opposite."

The Bad Guys Justice League: Arcadia-PointWhere stories live. Discover now