The Dance of Team Black

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A few days later I was sleeping in my quarters. I woke up feeling like I had to throw up, I ran to the window and threw up. A handmaiden came running in, "Princess!" She ran over to me and held my hair up as she rubbed my back, "Are you sick, Princess?" She felt my forehead, "It's not hot, um Princess may I ask an uncomfortable question?" I nodded, "Have you and your husband um, do you think you could be pregnant?" She asked.
"No, me and Aemond, we haven't. Not since Baelor." I said.
"Well anyone else?" I slowly nodded my head. "We'll have to wait until you start showing so we know for sure but hey, it's exciting Princess."
"We are in the middle of a war, I cannot be pregnant." I shouted.
"Princess, I'm sure you would still be able to fight."
"My mother wouldn't want me to, you can't tell anyone, not until we know for sure." I said, and she nodded, "You may go now." She bowed before walking out. I looked out the window at the crashing waves. The door opened, I turned around and saw Cregan holding Baelor. "Hello you two." I said.
"Baelor wanted to come say hi." Cregan walked up to me and I kissed Baelor on the forehead.
"Hi mama." He said.
"Hi sweetheart." I smiled at him as Cregan moved Baelor's hair out of his face, "How did you sleep?"
"I had a dream about me in the forest hunting a white deer."
"You dreamt of a white deer?" I asked.
"Yeah, it was really pretty."
"I bet." Cregan said.
"Baelor can you go find Daemon and Aegon, I'm sure Aegon wants to play." Cregan put Baelor down and he ran out of the room.
"The gods are in favor of him." Cregan said.
"I wonder what of? Cregan I need to tell you something."
"What is it?"
"This morning I woke up very sick, the handmaiden thinks I'm pregnant, and I haven't been with anyone other than you." I said.
"Seriously?" He asked and I slowly nodded, "That's amazing, I've always wanted kids."
"It would be seen as Aemond's."
"Oh well, it would still be mine." Cregan said while smiling.
"You can't tell anyone until we know for sure." Cregan nodded and he walked out of the room as Ceri came in. "Ceri?" I said before running up to her and hugging her.
"Aemma, Helaena got me out of the castle and I came here." She said,
"I missed you." I smiled as I let go of her.
"I've missed you as well Aemma, Alicent and Aegon have gone berserk over your escape and Aemond's just mad that you took Baelor." I smiled and hugged her again and the doors opened.
"Ceri? You're here!" Mother said.
"Your Grace," Ceri curtsied.
"Aemma," Mother turned to me smiling, "We are going to Riverrun, Lord Elmo is hosting us a party, and we will go and support their kindness. Oh and we're leaving tonight." She said before walking back out.

The next night we arrived at Riverrun and Lord Elmo was waiting for us at the dock. He helped us all off the boat, "Your Graces." Lord Elmo bowed.
"Lord Elmo, thank you for inviting us." Mother said.
"Of course, my handmaiden Ramona will show the children to their quarters." Me, Jace, and Joffrey followed the lady and she took us to our room. Like most times we are sharing a room that has three big-ish beds and a lot of space, I had to leave Baelor at Dragonstone with Ceri because they didn't have any cribs. I sat down on my bed and Jace sat on his.
"I'm so ready for this party." He said.
"I'm not."
"Why?" Jace asked and I shrugged. The doors opened and mother walked in holding something.
"I've brought your party clothes, we all are semi-matching to show our house." Mother put the clothes down and picked up my dress and held it up. It was a black dress with red accents sewn in and red ruffles at the end of the sleeves. "Do you like it?" She asked.
"Yeah, thanks mom." I smiled.
"Jace, you'll be wearing the same thing but it's pants and a top instead." Jace smiled at her, "You two should get some sleep, big day tomorrow." Mom came over and sat next to Jace, "Sleep well." She kissed Jace's forehead and got up to kiss mine. She walked out and shut the door.
"I hate sleeping in places that aren't my bed." Jace said as he fell back into his pillow, he shut his eyes, I got up and walked to a separate room and put on a white flowy nightgown and then I went to sleep.

The next morning Jace woke me up, "What?" I asked.
"Let's go get breakfast, come on." Jace said.
"I have to get dressed." I slowly got up and changed into a black dress. We walked out of the room and we peeked into the dinning hall and saw all of the tables and decorations. It was beautiful, there were a bunch of huge tables and tons of hanging vines and flowers with a bunch of lights. We walked into the kitchen and Jace tried to grab a bun but one of the cooks swatted away his hand, we went through a door and we were in a smaller dining room that mother and Daemon were sitting at with Lord Elmo and his son Kermit.
"Ah, good morning young prince and princess." Elmo said.
"Good morning Lord Tully, Kermit." I said while sitting in between mother and Daemon.
"As I was saying, you have a lovely home." Mother said.
"Thank you, Your Grace, I'm glad you're able to be here." Lord Tully said.
"We peeked at the decorations, they look amazing." Jacaerys said. A servant places plates in front of me and Jace and starts putting food on it.

A few boring and long hours later I was in me and Jace's quarters getting ready, I had put on the dress and I left my hair down. The neckline of the dress was a little more low and tight then I thought. The doors opened and Daemon walked in fixing his sleeves, "You ready? Your mother asked me to come get you."
"Yeah, I'm ready. What do you think?" I asked while spinning around.
"You look very nice. Let's get going." I followed behind Daemon as he walked to where mother and Jace were waiting.
"All right, is everyone ready?" Mother asked, I nodded and we all walked into the room together.
"Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, King Consort Daemon Targaryen, Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, Princess Aemma Velaryon." A guard announced as we all walked to the main table with Lord Elmo and his son. I sat down in between Jace and Kermit Tully.
"Princess Aemma, Prince Jacaerys." Kermit bowed his head.
"A toast to the Queen," Lord Elmo stood up, " The true heir to the Iron Throne and the rightful Queen, you will serve the realm well." Everyone raised their cups and I stood up.
"To my mother the Queen, no one truly knows you like your children, like me." She smiled at me, "You were the best mother, you taught me everything I've ever known and to that I'm grateful. One day you will teach Jace how to be King, and you will teach me what I can do with my life. Avy jorrāelan mom. (I love you mom)" She smiled as everyone took a swig of their wine. A bunch of servants walked out and put plates of food in front of everyone and started plating the food on our plates. The room was filled with conversations and laughter, I was talking to Kermit and Jace.
"I mean I just don't understand it." Kermit said, he was talking about dragon riding.
"It's not that hard, you just get used to it." Jace laughed.
"So you just sit on the dragon and tell it what to do?"
"Doru-borto.(stupid)" I whispered and Jace laughed, "Excuse me." I said as I stood up and walked to the middle of the room where people were dancing. I walked up to Oscar Tully (Kermit's little brother) and he bowed.
"Princess." He was about Luke's age, he reminded me of my little brother besides Oscar's red hair.
"May I have this dance?" I stick out my hand.
"With me?" He asked and I nodded. He smiled and grabbed my hand, and we started dancing with everyone else. After a few minutes of dancing Daemon walked up to me and Oscar.
"May I?" He asked Oscar. Oscar nodded and walked off.
"Hello Daemon." I said before we started to dance.
"You look nice." He said and I smiled at him.
"I can tell most of these people hate me. Just look how they're staring." I looked around.
"Why would they hate you?" Daemon asked.
"Because I'm married to Aemond, and my son is his child."
"But you are here aren't you? Or are you back at the Red Keep serving the usurper?"
"I'm here, but yet I still find myself trying to prove my loyalty to my own mother."
"You don't need to prove yourself to them, at least not now. One day they will see your loyalty to them and your devotion to your mothers cause. One day you could be in your mothers seat, fighting for your birthright." That took me a bit by surprise, I would have no reason to be fighting for my birthright when I'm not the oldest and Jace is still living.
"My birthright? Daemon, why are you setting me up for queen?"
"You know the saying 'When a Targaryen is born the gods toss a coin and the world holds its breath' it seems the gods want you to be queen."
"But what about Jace?" Daemon pulled me in a little closer.
"Do not worry about him, this may be a long war." He whispered before letting go of me and walking back to the table. I stood there for a moment watching him walk away, I suddenly couldn't breathe. I put my hand on my chest trying to get some air in.
"Princess?" A lady who was next to me put her hand on me, while everyone's attention turned to me. I swatted her hand away and ran out of the doors and into the hall, I messed with the strings on the back of my dress trying to get it loose. The doors opened and mother ran over to me.
"Aemma!" The second she got to me I started crying.
"I can't breathe." I said through sobs. She quickly undid the back of my dress and I fell against the wall and she tried to keep me steady as she pushed open the cover on the window.
"Breathe honey, it's okay." She moved the hair out of my face as I got my breath back, "What happened." She asked softly.
"I don't know, I just."
"Aemma, calm down, you're okay." She pulled me into a tight hug.
"Mama?" A small voice came from down the hall, we both looked and saw Joffrey.
"Joff." I said while walking fastly over to him, I knelt down and hugged him tightly. Mother walked up to us and put her hand on my shoulder.
"How about you put Joffrey to bed and then you can get some rest too." I stood up and Joffrey followed me to our room and he jumped on the bed. I changed into a nightgown and got into his bed next to him.
"Will you sleep with me?" He asked.
"Of course." I smiled at him before kissing his head and blowing out the candles.

: I absolutely hate when people get pregnant in wattpad stories but trust me it's vital in the end

The Bloody Queen [House of the Dragon]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora