The Pink Dread

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     I sat on the chair in my room as Ceri did my hair. "Do you like this dress Ceri? I got to pick this one out."  It was a maroon dress with ruffles on the sleeves.
"It's beautiful, Aemma. Do you like your hair?" I looked in the mirror, it was a french braid.
"It's lovely."
"You have such lovely hair. I've never seen a Targaryen with dirty blonde hair."
"I'm a Velaryon, Ceri."
"Well, I've never seen a Velaryon with your hair color either."
"I should go, I'll be late for dinner." Ceri nodded as I got up. I walked out of my room and walked into the dinning hall. My whole family was there including the king, queen, and my aunt and uncles.
"Princess Aemma Velaryon "The Realms Beauty" and heir to Dragonstone." A guard announced.
I took my seat next to my little brother Lucerys and my mother Rheanyra. Everyone sat in silence for a few minutes until people started bringing out food.
"I'm starving." Viserys said. He's the king and my grandsire. We all ate while having private conversations.
"Mother, where is father?" I asked.
"I think he's having dinner somewhere else." Mother said.
"Why would that be? I don't think he'd want to eat alone." Alicent (my grandmother) said.
"Alicent," Grandsire put his hand on hers, "Let us talk about something else. Jacaerys what did you get up to today?" Alicent rolled her eyes and mouthed something to Aegon.
"I was training in the courtyard with Aemond, Aegon, and Lucerys." Jace said.
"That sounds like fun. What about you Aemma?" Viserys asked me.
"Me and Ceri went on a walk in the gardens and we read in the library." I said.
"Viserys, how about you ask your children about their day." Alicent said.
"Jace told me what they all did."
"What about Aegon and Sunfyre? Or Helaena and Dreamfyre?" Helaena looked up from her plate and shook her head.
"I feed Sunfyre a lamb. The dragon keepers said I did well." Aegon said, Alicent smiled at him and Viserys nodded.
"Well done Aegon." Viserys lifted up his cup.
"Jace is going to feed Vermax tomorrow." Mother said, "I'm trying to see if Aemma can feed Jolrax. Speaking of Aemma, father, will you announce the good news?"
"What good news?" Alicent asked while Viserys stood up.
"Rhaenyra and I have decided to marry Aemma and Aemond."
"What." Alicent said. Me and Aemond looked at each other. "Why didn't you consult me with this matter first?"
"It didn't need consulting." Viserys said.
"Children, Rhaenrya, will you please leave me and Viserys?" Alicent asked. We all got up and walked out.
"Aemma." Mother said, I stopped and she put her hands on my shoulders. "I'm sorry but it had to happen." She hugged me as I lightly cried.

The next morning I woke up to Ceri shaking me, "Rhaenrya has gone into labor, the baby has been born. Ser Harwin wants you in your mothers room." I got out of bed and ran into mothers room. Jace and Luke were sitting on the couch and Sir Harwin was looking out the window.
"Ser Harwin!" I said.
"Aemma, how did you sleep?" I ran up and gave him a hug.
"I slept well. Have you seen the baby?"
"I have not. Me and your brothers have been waiting for your mother."
"Did you hear, I'm getting married to Aemond." I said.
"You are?" I nodded.
The doors opened and mother and father walked in holding the baby. Mother sat down and father rocked the baby back and forth.
"His name is Joffrey." Mother said.
"He's a boy?" I asked and mother nodded.
"I let Luke pick out a dragon egg." Jacaerys said. Father handed Ser Harwin the baby.
"Come on you three. Let's go to the dragon pit." Father said. We followed him out of the room and then raced my brothers to the dragon pit. Aemond and Aegon were standing in the middle waiting for us.
"It's about time." Aegon said.
"Our mother just had a baby." I said, rolling my eyes. One of the dragon keepers walked into the pit. "You got this Jace." I said.
"Call Vermax to heal my prince." A dragon keeper said. The dragon keeper who went in the pit walked out while guiding Vermax out. A dragon keeper tied up a lamp to a pole and Vermax started walking toward it.
"Umbas (wait)." Jace said but Vermax didn't listen, "Dohaeras (serve), umbas." Vermax turned and faced my brother. "Can I say it?" The dragon keeper nodded. "Dracarys (dragonfire)." Vermax moved toward the lamb and set it on fire. Jacaerys had a big smile on his face and I swayed my hip into him. The dragon keepers worked on taking Vermax back into the pit.
"Aemond," Aegon said, putting his arm around Aemond. "We found you a dragon." My uncles and my brothers started slowly walking to the pit but I just stayed put.
"A dragon?" Aemond asked.
"Yes, Luke, will you go get it?" Luke nodded and ran into the pit. "It's finally time for you to shine brother, first betrothal and now a dragon. May we introduce you to the Pink Dread!" Aegon said. Lucerys ran out of the pit with a pig on a lead with wings tied to its back. Aemond just stared at the pig and Aegon and my brother walked away laughing. I stood there staring at Aemond.
"Do not let their foolish antics get to you Aemond."
"Go away." He cried. I walked away and ran to catch up with my brother and Aegon.
"That was mean, why would you do that?" I said.
"Because it's funny." Aegon said and my brothers ran off
"It's not funny, he looked like he was going to cry." Aegon turned to me and pushed me against the wall and held my wrists.
"Do not think you can speak to me like that, okay?" He said and I nodded. He let go of me and walked away. Ceri ran up to me.
"Are you okay? He had no right to touch you like that."
"I'm fine." I said.
"Your mother has called for you, I think you should tell her about this."
"Ceri, no. It's not a big deal." I walked to the library. My mother was sitting with Alicent, I bowed.
"There you are, we want to talk about the wedding. We will be going to Dragonstone after." Mother said.
"When I think the time is right you will come back to King's Landing and perform your duties. You're still young, I will let you stay with your family." Alicent said and I nodded.
"Would you like us to plan everything?" Mother asked.
"Yes, please." The doors opened and Ceri came in.
"Your grace." She bowed. "I'd like to report a crime."
"Ceri don't." I said.
"We would love to hear it, Ceri." Alicent said.
"When the prince's and princess were coming back from the dragon pit I saw Aegon put his hands on the young princess. It looked like he was hurting her."  Alicent and mother looked over at me.
"He didn't hurt me, I swear it."
"If the princess says he didn't then your eyes must be wrong Ceri." Alicent said, mother rolled her eyes. Ceri nodded and left. "Please excuse me." Alicent said and left.
"Did he touch you?" Mother asked, "Do you want Ser Harwin to beat him up." Mother smiled. I smiled at her and shook my head.
"He didn't hurt me, I promise."
"I'll go with you to the dragon pit, I got them to let you see Jorlax." I smiled and we walked to the dragon pit.

A few dragon keepers were out waiting for us. "Princess," They bowed to me and my mother. "You have a very powerful dragon young one." He said to me. A dragon keeper led Jorlax out of the pit.
"Do it as I said Aemma." Mother said.
"Dohaeras (serve) Jorlax." I said. He paused and looked toward me, I looked at mother and she nodded, I looked back at Jorlax, "Mazis (come)." Jorlax perked up and started walking toward me. The dragon keepers moved closer to me and I stuck my hand out. Jorlax was right in front of me and he let me stroke his neck. "Good boy, Jorlax."
"It's time for him to eat." The dragon keeper said. I moved my hand.
"Dracarys." Jorlax moved toward the goat and burned it then ate it.
"Good job Aemma." Mother said.
"Thank you. I'm now better than Jace and Aegon." Me and mother walked out of the pit and I went to my room.

Ceri was sitting on the couch sewing. "Ceri, I made Jorlax come to me." I sat down next to her.
"Good job Aemma, at this rate Jorlax may be more powerful than Vhagar." Ceri put her sewing down.
"Vhagar isn't even the most powerful dragon, I hope Jorlax will be the most powerful in the world." I said.
"That is a very admirable aspiration. You and Jorlax do have a powerful bond." Ceri said.
"Can you talk like a normal person?" I joked.
"Daor (no)." Ceri said. I rolled my eyes. "When are you getting married?"
"At the end of the week. I don't want to marry Aemond." I sighed.
"It's your duty Aemma."
"I don't care. I don't want to do it." I said.
"How about we do something fun?" Ceri said. "We can go ride our horses, or whatever you want."
"Thanks but no thanks, I'm going to go see Luke." I stood up.
"Okay, I'll be here when you need me." I walked out and walked into Lucerys's room. He was sitting on the ground writing.
"What are you doing?" I asked while sitting next to him.
"I'm writing a story. You're getting married at the end of the week." He said.
"Don't remind me, I have a dress fitting tomorrow. Mother and Alicent are taking care of everything."
"I'm excited for the wedding, I've never been to one before."
"I'm sure it'll be boring." I said.
"I think it'll be fun, just think about the dancing and the feast."
"I suppose you're right. I just don't want to marry him."
"Don't worry Aemma, it'll be fun." Luke said. The doors opened and mother walked in.
"What are you two doing?" She asked.
"Talking." I said.
"Well, the hour is late. You two should go to bed." Mother helped me up and I walked out as she put Luke to bed. I went to my room and Ceri was there sitting on my bed. Once she saw me she got up and held out a nightgown.
"I think I might just fall asleep in this." I said while plopping on my bed.
"Aemma, you should change. I'm sure your dress is uncomfortable." Ceri said.
"I just want to sleep."
"Okay, if you're sure." Ceri said while walking out of the room. I shut my eyes and fell asleep quickly.

: hope this chapter was good!!!!
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