23. 🔞!!

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And there I was: sat in my car, all by myself, watching Wooyoung having dinner with this god damn brat

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

And there I was: sat in my car, all by myself, watching Wooyoung having dinner with this god damn brat. I watched every little movement that brat made in order to make sure that he wouldn't get too close to what's mine. Fucking sitting in front of him is actually already too close. I sighted.

The noises from the rain were the only ones that made me calm down at least a little bit. My stomach tickled when I thought about how his eyes went big when he saw the roses I bought him. You are so precious, Wooyoung. So precious.

I could never forget about his big doe happy eyes. They were my reason to keep going. To keep going on with what we - or I - started.

The food finally arrived and my eyes traveled to what they've ordered. Both ordered ramen, a very good looking and fancy ramen that some Michelin star cook prepared. Wooyoung actually had a Long Island iced tea on the side, which meant that alcohol was in there. Careful, Baby. Don't get too excited.

I wondered what his lips tasted like after he took a sip of that peachy substance. They must've tasted so delicate.

The moment Yoongi suddenly leaned forward in order to ask Wooyoung whether he wanted something for his food my vision got sharper. What will you do, Love? Will you let him feed you? Will you taste your own utensils? Will you say 'no' even though he asked so politely? Like a true gentleman.

My breathing stopped until Wooyoung's body language told me what he'd do out of all the options he had. He actually shook his head with a little uncomfortable and awkward smile on his face telling Yoongi to not feed him.

I knew you were a good boy. I always knew you were a good boy. I'll reward you later.

I bit my lip trying to keep calm as long as I needed to stay calm. Seeing the two of them laugh and have fun whilst I had to wait for this damn pathetic date to end made me feel jealous, madly jealous.

I knew that Wooyoung was mine, I knew that he wanted me and I wanted him yet it still made me angry to see trat he was laughing at some other man's jokes and stories.

Gladly, they both ate pretty fast therefore the dinner ended a bit earlier than expected, which made me feel a bit satisfied since I didn't want them to spent too much time together.

The smaller walked right next to the other. They exchanged gazes and I saw a little spark in Yoongi's eyes. It was almost the same spark that my eyes had when I looked at Wooyoung. But my spark is meaningful and loyal.

Wooyoung now needed to tell him that he wouldn't spend more time with him. Maybe he'd lie to Yoongi. Maybe he'd say the truth. I don't care at least he'll get in my car in a few seconds.

Their bodies slowly moved closer, which made my heart ache and my jaw clench. Jealousy was a very bad feeling and emotions that one had to feel. It was like an ache like an ick. Something bothered me so much that I wanted to grab Yoongi by his collar and tell him to never touch him again

Bodyguard | Woosan English   finished ☑️ حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن