Chapter 9

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Entering the dungeon, Lucas was hit with the smell of rot, smoke, and wet pavement. Lucas thought they might have been in a crypt. If Lucas didn't know any better, he would have thought they were ghosts aiming restlessly, haunting every regret and held to the earthly bounds by shame and guilt. The darkness's only mercy was the flickers of torches on the wall, casting long shadows on the stone flooring, walls and ceilings, dotting the infinite darkness, a false hope, a lying mercy, and a deceitful safety. A drop of sweat or water from the leaking stone ceiling made a rivet down his back, and shivers erupted as he tried to push his fear down.

Ahead of him was Max. Her hair might have been its own fire, reflecting and glinting in its vibrant colour and alive with every sway in the dark, but it was covered by the hood of her long cloak. As if she was hiding from the light and embracing the gloom. A reflection caught his eye; the steel of a sword was deftly held in Max's hand, casting a silver glow.

Lucas remembers the first time they met. Her words were as scathing and cutting as the blade she held to his neck. Surprising the four of them with her quick attack that turned into a tenuous alliance to deep friendship.

Lucas knows this is not the time to worry about it, but he had hoped that whatever bond lay between him and Max was more than an alliance. More than friendship. He can't help but get his hopes up. After nights on watch duty staring at the stars together, or him staring at her with the flickering flames casting a golden glow on every one of her sun-kissed freckles. Of her bumping their shoulders with a teasing smile. When she opened up about her fears and hardships with a frank vulnerability, he knew he had been given a treasure he would honourably hold for the rest of his days. Because when you meet a girl-a person- like Max: bold and brave, you do everything to keep their confidence. He might falter or be imperfect, but he knows to be by her side is worth more than anything the world treasures.

So, being kidnapped put quite a damper on that.

After the hurdles, the Party had to devise an escape plan, execute it, and for it to go immediately wrong. Resulting in Lucas being the sole escapee. He doesn't know what he expected when he reunited with Max, but it was (admittedly) a little disappointing. Something a little more after losing his beloved bow and sheath, his friends, and his dignity after being trussed up on a horse and dragged against his will. Something more than guarded smiles and withdrawn conversations.

But still, he was lucky to have reunited with her. It was so unlikely.

But even still, Lucas is glad he escaped, even if he feels guilty for leaving his friends behind.

He knows this was where he and his friends were supposed to be imprisoned. Within its suffocating walls and leaking ceilings, amongst the rats, and the cruelty of dark magic. He is equally relieved and guilty.

Lucas shifted from his crouched and careful position, readjusting his hold on his bow and arrow, anticipation running in his veins.


Where did he get it? He lost it long ago, and Lucas had no time to reequip on his journey to the Keep. Or before he rejoined Max. There should be memories of guilty nights after leaving his friends in the clutches of evil, the days he spent travelling alone with weary bones and half-raised spirits.

How did he meet Max again? Why can't he remember? One moment he was running away from his captors, and next, he was travelling with Max.

He puts his weapons away as best he can, not wanting to risk harm now that he's falling apart.

He passes another torch. The light was so bright. It was blinding. Pain exploded inside his head. His memories came back as the red faded from his vision.

lost in the labyrinth of my mindTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon