Chapter 2: Barbatos the duke of hell.

Start from the beginning

Rapi: No... Apparantelly Tekkadan means "Iron Flower." The Iron Flower that never wilts. 

Rapi said as she looks up to Barbatos' especially the shoulder where the emblem was placed.

Hours later

A perimeter was set up around Barbatos, news crews were outside the perimeter and took filming footage of Barbato, soon Ingrid and Andersen came and entered the perimeter where they meet Mana.

Ingrid: Any findings Mana?

Mana then fixes her glasses and swiped through her pad.

Mana: Well first off this mech is a literal marvel of engineering, from what I can analyze the joints on every limb from legs to arms have almost the same movement level like a human's does.

Andersen: I see. What type of power core does this mech run on?

Mana: It's not a core that it runs on, but it is powered by some kind of reactor in a dual configuration. One on the left and one on the right, and from my analisis these reactor's can produce power semi permanently and are physically indestructible.

Ingrid: Which means?

Mana: The reactor cannot be destroyed by any physical means.

The two were shocked to learn about it, if they were to take the reactor and use it to power the Ark, it can prove beneficial to humankind's survival.

???: Voila! What a sight to look at!

Ingrid: Mustang?

Mustang the CEO of tetra line arrived and had also entered the perimeter.

Mustang: Madame Ingrid, are you perhaps interested in this mech too?

Ingrid: To put on the brunt of it, this thing is something that I have never seen before.

Andersen: What about the armor Mana?

Mana swipes through her tablet again.

Mana: Based on the research conducted, the armor is made up from unknown material to use. But one thing is certain, the armor can negate damage from any beam based weapons along with kinetic damage to some extent.

Andersen: So it is made to take on some form of damage.

Mana: Not only taking damage, but dishing it out twice as powerful. The framework on the arms basically makes it a monster in close quarters combat hence the melee weapons, the under arm cannons are approximately 200 milimeters in calibre too.

A close quarter combat capable machine was something they needed, often times Raptures would overwhelm Nikkes in melee combat.

Mustang: Mon ami, does it have name?

Ingrid: Rapi said it introduced itself as Barbatos Lupus.

Andersen: Barbatos... The eight spirit in the key of Lesser Solomon, the earl and duke of hell.

Mustang: Mes amis, having a demon fight along goddesses would make the citizens worry no?

Andersen thought about it, having something named after a demon could possibly make a religious outcry in the Ark.

Mana: I've also found an emblem, it's not as same on the ones on the shoulders though.

She flips her tablet to show them.

The emblem was nothing that they knew of, they had guesses but didn't know if it was right

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The emblem was nothing that they knew of, they had guesses but didn't know if it was right.

Ingrid: We should try and ask it.

Mustang: Madame Ingrid, can it talk?

Ingrid: Rapi also said it is capable of speech on a human level.

Andersen looked at Barbatos, staring at it's faceplate.

Andersen: Barbatos Lupus, can you hear me?

As if on que, Barbatos activated as a gush of wind blew from the airvents of it's chest.

Barbatos: I hear you.

It talked in an ominous and human tone, but Andersen wasn't fazed.

Andersen: We have some questions, do you have time to answer them?

Barbatos: You shall ask and I shall answer.

Andersen: First, what is this emblem?

He shows the emblem which was on Mana's tablet.

Barbatos: Gjallarhorn, they are the ones who built me during the Calamity War.

Andersen: Then what about the flower emblem on your shoulder?

Barbatos: Tekkadan, my current operator's.

Andersen: I see. Then what is this so called "Calamity War"?

Barbatos: A war which humanity almost faced extinction at the hands of Mobile Armor's, a Gargantuan killing machine set on to destroy humanity. Thus humans created 72 Gundam-Frames, I am the eight to be created.

Ingrid: How old of a machine are you?

Barbatos: Hmm... About 300 years since the Calamity War started.

Everyone was surprised, a machine that old would have already rust and decayed away. 

Barbatos: Is there any more that I can answer?

Andersen: One last thing, why did you help the Commando squad?

Barbatos: I didn't want to help, they were in the way of my prey.

Andersen: So you had no intention on helping them?

Barbatos: Yes, until that girl asked of me for assistance.

Andersen now gets what Barbatos was saying, Chatterbox was it's prey and the Commando's only got in it's way.

Andersen: I see, the girl in question is known as Rapi.

Barbatos: Hmm... I admire her courage to be able to talk to me and ask me for assistance.

Andersen: Then Barbatos, what are you going to do now?

Barbatos didn't reply for a second.

Barbatos: Do you have problems with your enemies?

Andersen: Yes, they are called Raptures. They have caused Humanity here to move underground.

Barbatos: Then I offer you my assistance in dealing with these "Raptures" of yours.

Andersen: All help is accepted, thank you for cooperating with us Barbatos. My name is Andersen, this is Ingrid and Mustang.

Barbatos: I am obliged.

Andersen now knew that humanity had a chance against the Raptures now with Barbatos on their side, they now have a leveled playing field.


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