🌸 Rollerskates 🌸 (Dralex)

Start from the beginning

Jaxx stopped drinking his coffee, choking after almost spitting it out. Light shot up and looked pissed. 

"You are NOT going on a date with Drake." Light spat, his fingers digging into the countertop's edge.

"You are my little brother, you can't tell me what to do Light." Alex crossed her arms.

"If I killed Drake would that stop you?" Light inquired.

"I-" Alex attempted to say.

"Jaxx. Knife." Light held his hands out and was met with a large, sharp knife from Jaxx's pocket. 

"I... Light why do you have that?..Also Jaxx why DID you have that" Alex stared fearfully.

"Jaxx, lets go kill Drake." Light looked to Jaxx.

"Eh, sure." Jaxx shrugged, then him and light bolted out the kitchen in a purple and red blur.

"WAIT NO NO NO YOU TWO!" Alex yelled, running after them.

Drake was nibbling on some spearmint gum, minding his own business while fiddling with his jacket, he heard a loud bang behind him and Light tried to swing at him with a knife. 

"HOLY SHIT DUDE PUT THAT DOWN WHAT THE FUCK?" Drake yelped, and Alex yelled behind to run, so he did, as fast as his legs would carry him. Alex ran inside, then going outside through thee backdoor to a small crevice, almost like an alleyway, in between two sections of the house. she heard loud bangs of footsteps and screams, and she grasped drake by his sleeve, pulling him in with her. She was smart enough not to make him back her against the wall, and slammed him beside her to keep him from being visible. Light and Jaxx, with their heads probably emptier than a vacuum, ran right past and round a corner. 

"Thank god they are gone-" Drake started, before a hand was slapped on his mouth.

"Shh shh shut the fuck up Drake! We just gotta run to the car when they go in the house, they probably will think you just ran inside real quick! They will check EVERYWHERE. I know them." Alex took his arm and shuffled them along the alleyway, they were now around the front, and the car was in range.

"Alright, as soon as we hear the backdoor open be run to the-" she was paused by a door opening from the backyard. "Bingo." Alex held onto her purse with one arm and Drake's arm with the other, bolting with him quickly to the car, ignoring Light's yells, turning it on and speeding off.

Drake glanced behind them from the passengers seat. "Is this.. normal? for you??" Drake inquired, looking at Jaxx holding a VERY pissed Light back. "Yep! Thats what it's like having a little brother!" Alex grinned over to Drake, before focusing on the road.

"God, i need to apologize to Zach."They both laughed at that, if anything, Zach acted like the little brother, then Alex paused. "Wait, aren't you older the Zach by like 5 seconds?" She asked, and Drake hummed at the thought. "Yeah, guess I am! he should say sorry to ME."

they continued to chat and giggle.

They entered the roller skating rink, and bought shoes in their sizes. Alex ended up getting hot pink ones, which for anyone else would look weird but on Alex looked positively perfect.  Drake got some navy blue ones, which suited him really well, at least in Alex's opinion. 

"Ready to skate?"Drake held his hand to hers, and she took it. "Im gonna do it better Drake." Alex exclaimed, grinning.

"Your lucky you didn't bring Light, he would've probably kicked our asses at this." Drake giggled, pulling Alex into the rink, holding onto the railing. Alex smiled, before shooting off, spinning around and twirling, almost a natural. Drake wondered if Light ever let her use his skateboard. She laughed, she had no cares or worries in the world in that moment, she was sweet, careful, gentle, perfect. Drake smiled at her, almost letting go of the railing. He almost slipped, and caught onto the railing again, he balanced himself, shaking a little. Alex skated up to him, wheels rolling against the wooden floor. She stopped herself in front of him, giggling.

"Ya need some help Drake?" Alex smiled lovingly to him, he was just so cute, could you blame her?

"Yeah, yeah, that would be nice."He held out his hand and she interlocked hers with his, leading him astray to the middle of the roller skating rink.  Drake was internally buzzing, his cheeks warm and pink, never in a million years did he think he would be holding her hand, rollerskating together, this felt like a date. He always thought she loved Zach, but he found out that was a façade for the fans as the fans shipped them a ton, Drake was surprised to find out that, and he asked Zach and Alex if he and Jade should do it too, because the fans seemed to enjoy the thought of them together. Of course, the squad mainly had their own business in real life, so in reality, not many of them were into romance.

Drake was snapped out of his thoughts by Alex tugging his hand, smiling over her shoulder to him. He swore he was fucking dead and Alex was some angel leading him to the afterlife. He always wondered what it felt like to fall in love with someone over and over again, but in that moment, Drake understood what it felt like, and Alex did too, but they wouldn't tell each other, yet they pondered and yearned constantly for each other. They left the rink after about an hour or two, and got into the car. Drake was driving, as Alex wore herself out rushing around the rink, and kept going off and having to rush back to make sure Drake didn't fall over. She fell asleep almost instantly, and wrapped his jacket around her when he saw her shivering in her slumber.  Drake sighed affectionately, combing back some hairs that stuck around her face. smiling lovingly. he hoped they could do this over and over.


sillyness is overtaking meee heehoo

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