🌸 A hazy daydream 🌸 (Chandi)

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Candi and Charli are cuddling, and candi questions their past together

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Candi think that this was the most relaxed she had ever been in her life.

She was cuddling Charli, the shorter girl scooped up in her arms, it was sunset, the soft pinks, oranges, yellows and blues of the sky blending with the fluffy rose clouds, the sun gleaming across the horizon, making the ocean look a beautiful lavender colour. Candi admired the view, then begun to admire something that - in her opinion - was a lot more beautiful. 


Charli looks... beautiful to Candi, to say the least. Candi adores her. Her auburn hair, those amber eyes that spark up whenever they hug, kiss, and just when they are with eachother. Candi loves her girlfriend, and began thinking on how before a couple weeks back, they weren't together. Candi, of course back then, was blinded by Levi, enough to not notice Charli, who was always there for her, to lend a helping hand, being the closest and best friend to her ever. How funny, Candi always felt butterflies around her, but never acted on it because she has manipulated herself into liking Levi, when in reality she saw him as nothing but a friend to her. Charli didn't notice her either, she was busy with Light. it was kinda very dumb of Charli to keep persisting with him, when Light showed an obvious lack of interest. She still wondered how Light couldn't love Charli, she's kind, she's pretty, she helps everyone out, she's funny, she's caring... 



she's perfect.

Candi loves her more then life itself. Charli is the apple to her eye. Charli is so pretty, so carefree, so fun to talk to, so fun to date. Gods, she loves that woman.

Charli roused from her slumber, tangerine eyes almost glowing in the room only lit by the serene sunset, messy hair strands drooping beautifully over her gorgeous eyes, though Candi is definitely biased, Charli was her girlfriend after all. Honestly, if Charli was some sort of deity or goddess, Candi wouldn't be surprised, she is perfect in every way.

Charli gave her a beautiful smile, those rosy lips looked so kissable. Candi leaned in and gave her a soft peck, and charli requited it. Candi pulled away and and stared lovingly into her girlfriends beautiful eyes. 

"Hey Candi.." Charli said sleepily, a soft baby pink hue taking over her cheeks in place of the usual peach.

"Good evening, darling." Candi felt the ends of her lips pipe up into a soft, endearing smile.

"Mmhh... good evening..." Charli snuggled back into her girlfriends chest. 

"Going back to sleep??" Candi hugged Charli tighter.

"Mhm.. wake me up at dinner babe??..." Charli mumbled into her chest.

Candi's heart fluttered out her body at the petname. "Of course baby, but I cant promise i wont fall asleep too." Charli giggled softly, and Candi combed her fingers though Charli's soft orange curls of hair.

"I love you Candi..." Charli muttered softly.

"I love you too baby." Candi gave charli a soft peck on the forehead, pulling back to notice the short girl had already fallen asleep. Candi smiled, and clasped hers and Charli's hands before closing her eyes, and falling asleep.



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