Beauty Inside You

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There is little time before I say farewell to the school life. The guys started to get ready for the graduation party a few months earlier, picking up hairstyles and clothes and thinking about who they can invite. Girls want to show everyone their best dresses, and boys hope to have a lot of fun. But it's clear, because the prom happens once in life. It will be gone soon, and only memories will be left. Nice for one and bad for another.

Most likely, for me, it will not be the best moment in my life. I am not actually sure if I will go. Nobody is waiting for me there. And there is not a girl that would agree to accept my invitation to go to the prom with me. My shy attempts to invite someone led to an absolute failure. They were openly bullying me. Yes, I am not the most popular guy in school. And how could I be the one when everyone considers me ugly? In their opinion. The worst bullies in the school and all their friends constantly laugh at my appearance and mock me in all ways. Just because I do not fit the standards of beauty that they came up with. Because I am not the dream of all girls and the mean guy they have a crush on.

It hurts that people sometimes judge you by your appearance and do not even want to try to get closer to you. Why do some people ignore you just because you are not beautiful enough for them? Yes, I do not have an incredible six-pack and tough biceps. I have serious issues with the skin of my face. I look too pale and skinny. I know I am too far from the perfect handsome boy that all girls dream about. But alas, I am not guilty that I was born like this. I did not choose my appearance. However, I do not even try to make someone sure that they are wrong. It's worthless. I was bullied and will always be. I am just silent and thinking of my studies. Thinking about where I can go to study after graduation from school.

Chemistry was the last lesson for today. After it's over, I take my stuff from my personal locker and leave the building of the school. On the way, I sometimes watch what guys are doing. Some girls are laughing at someone. Some boys are talking about something. Showing off for each other, I guess. They do really love to measure their strength and do something for a beat. They are hardly worried about their studies and think about their future. They only want to have fun and laugh at someone. And watch some tough guys mocking weak ones. While someone gets on the school bus, and someone gets into their personal car, I decide to go to my home on my feet and breathe in some air. I love walking somewhere without a rush and admiring the incredible beauty of nature, enjoying the good weather.

Luckily, I do not see anyone of my offenders. They use any free second to annoy me and tell me about my shortcomings for the hundredth time. That's why I am starting to doubt myself more and more every day. And think that my mother is lying to me when saying I am the prettiest and sweetest boy in the world. She always tells me not to pay attention to their words, but it's madly hard. Sometimes I want to get up and show those bullies where they belong so badly, but I understand that I am weaker than all of them and might regret opening my mouth. Nevertheless, I am happy everything will be over soon, and the guys will stop reminding me that I will never be successful with an appearance like mine.

At some moment, I think about one girl that makes my heart beat faster. She is slim, with long brown hair and amazing gray eyes. The most beautiful girl in our school, in my opinion. I have been having tender feelings for her for a long time, but I hide it so hard because she does not need such an ugly man. She would better prefer the six-foot, big guy that she is dating. One of the worst bullies in school that literally hates me and turns every single day that I spend at school into a real hell. However, I have already understood that I should count on nothing. I do not dream of going to the prom together and dancing a slow dance, as we look at each other with a tender smile. That's why I just watch her from afar. I secretly admire her stunning smile, imagine how her glossy long hair smells... I am happy for her when she has a good mood. And I am sad when something happens to her.

Beauty Inside YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora