Episode 7 : ' Unforgettable '

Start from the beginning

Javi “ NOO !” Fern “ Izzy !! ” Zehra “ That's what you get for messing with me green cabbage ”

( They came to help Izzy )

Ollie “ She needs medical attention now ! ” Amelia “ Fern take her to base ”

( Fern teleported away with Izzy )

Javi “ you won't be spared for messing with my sister ”

( They all started fighting )

[ On spaceship ]

Fern “ Look Solon what happened to her , she is not moving ” Solon removed the Arrow from Izzy's hand “ Take her to the infirmary. I will study the Arrow and try to find a cure ”

[ At meta ]

Zehra to herself “ Only one arrow is left , I should use it wisely ”

( As they were fighting Amelia tried to stop Zehar by using her Hammer but when Zehra launched her arrow to attack her , ollie came in between and was struck by the arrow. He fell down and caught him  )

Zehra “ I'd say not a bad score ” Ollie in a low voice “ hey , don't worry there's no way I'd forget you . I promise ”

( Saying that he passed out )

Amelia “ You'll pay for this ”

( She attacked her but Zehra teleported away )

Zayto “ Let's get him to Solon ”

( They teleported back )

[ On spaceship]

Solon “ I have studied the arrow , and unfortunately I can't find a cure to it ” Fern “ But there must be a way to wake them up ” Solon “ Don't worry they will wake up soon ” Zayto “  By the time they wake up we should think of a way to bring their memories back . Amelia what do you think ? Amelia .. Amelia ” Amelia “ Sorry, what was that ? ” Aiyon “ What were you thinking?” Amelia “ It was my fault that Ollie lost his memories ” Zayto “ Don't worry everything will be okay . We will find a way to cure Ollie and Izzy ” Fern “ Look , Izzy's waking up ”

( Izzy woke up but  she seemed confused but then she saw Javi )

Izzy “ Javi , What's all this and Where are we ? ”

( He went and hugged her sister)

Aiyon “ So she remembers Javi ” Izzy “ Who are you , and why would you say that I will forget about my brother and wait you two ( pointing at Amelia and Zayto ) You all came to interview me didn't you ?” Fern “ Do you remember about me Izz , do you know me ” Izzy “ I am sorry, I don't ”

( Tears rolled down Fern 's eyes and she left the room )

Izzy “ What's wrong with her ” Amelia “ I will look after her ”

( Amelia left too )

Zayto “ You remember that we came to interview you , so what else do you remember? ” Izzy “ By the time , I took you guy's to Javi's favourite spot . After that I can't recall anything ”

( Fern came crying to the main room , Amelia came too )

Amelia “ Stay strong Fern , Izzy wouldn't have  been happy seeing you cry ” Solon “ The potion has affected their ranger energy that is why they both will remember everything and everyone before the time they became rangers ” Fern trying to control herself “ So , she met me after becoming a power ranger , didn't she ? ” Amelia “ Yes ”

( Just then Aiyon shouted in a loud voice )

“ Amelia, Ollie's waking up ” Fern “ You should go and check on him ” Amelia “ No, he probably wouldn't remember me ” Solon “ But you both met before becoming rangers, there are chances that he might not ” Fern “ Trust me, go and meet him . Solon's there with me ”

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