charlottes pov - tired and rescued

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I woke up groggy as hell. My eyes fluttered open and I felt a warm weight around waist. Henry had his arms wrapped around me and was breathing heavily on my neck. I shifted slowly so my eyes were pointing to the ceiling, hoping I wouldnt wake henry up. As much as I enjoyed laying there with his arms around me, I had to get up and walk around. Being scrunched up in a car all night does not do good for your joints. I slowly peeled Henry's arm off my body. I pulled my body up-forgetting I was in a car- I banged my head on the ceiling of the vehicle and held my scream in. I quickly grabbed my phone and opened the door. I slid out of the car. I walked around in a few circles. My bones popped and I felt a tremendous amount of strain leave my body. I leaned against the nearest tree and pressed the home button on my phone. As the screen lit up the battery percentage read 30%. I unlocked my phone then noticed the four little signal bars in the top right corner light up. "Praise jesus for signal" I said not even realizing it. I went to my contacts and decided to call ray. I held the phone to my ear. After about four rings I got a tired answer. "Hello" he said, sounding like he just got up. "Hey ray, I kinda need to ask a favor" I said hoping for a no questions asked kind of situation. "What is it" he said sounding annoyed. "Well henry and I are kind of stuck in the forest with no gas and we've been here all night because we couldnt get a signal last night" I said nervously. "Ok where are you" he said. "Wait your not gonna ask me why were in the woods in the first place" I said confused and regretting my reply. "We'll talk about it later, just tell me where you are and ill bring you some gas" he said still sounding tired as hell. "Well if you follow the trail for about 15 miles you should see us" I replyed. "Ok ill see you in about 45 minutes" he said. "Ok thank you talk to you then" I said. "Ok bye" he said concluding the conversation. I pressed the end call button. I should probably get henry up so we can restore the car back to its original form. I opened the door and leaned into the car. I poked henry in the side two or three times hoping thats all it would take. It was most definitely not all it took. I shook him with one hand planted on his thigh and the other on his waist. After about 30 seconds of shaking his eyes finally fluttered open. "What, what!!" he yelled flinging his body upwards and smacking his head on the ceiling. After realizing that no one was trying to kill him he lifted his hand to his head and rubbed the part he hit. "Good morning sleepy-head" I said trying not to laugh. He rubbed his eyes with the tips of his fingers and let out a huge sigh that escalated into a yawn. I pulled myself into the car the rest of the way and looked at him blushing. He looked really cute with bed head. God what am I saying. I need to get out of my thoughts and back into reality. I looked down and noticed his ankle. It was way more swolen than it was last night. I reached out to examine it but when my hand made contact henry let out a painful scream. I auickly pulled away startled. "Im so sorry, I didnt know it hurt that much" I said frantic. "Its ok we just need to get someone out here to help us so I can get home and explain to my mom what happened then get to a doctor." He said sounding like he was in a lot of pain. "Well I called ray and he said he was gonna be here in about 45 minutes -more like thirty now- and he would bring us gas, but it looks to me like im gonna have to drive us home." I said concerned for his ankle. "Ok, good im sorry I freaked out." He said staring at my eyes like he was going to kiss me again. His eyes shifted to my lips and I got a chill up my spine when his cheeks turned bright red. This was so weird. Henry has always only ever been a friend to me, but now I feel different everytime I look at him. I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach that makes me feel like im going to throw up. I feel like my face is always hot. I dont want to fall for henry. I like him but I dont want to ruin a friendship. Especially not the one person I have known my whole life. I shook myself out of my thoughts and inhaled deeply. "Ok we should probably fix up the seats for when ray gets here" I said quickly opening the car door. "Charlotte" he said putting his hand in front of me and shutting the door before I could get out. "You said we could talk this morning". I stared at him with no words. I was dreading this conversation. I took a deep breath. "Ok, what do you want to talk about" I said smiling. On the outside I looked pretty calm but in the inside I was screaming. "You know what" he said frowning. "Im sorry im juat scared right now and I dont know why. Ive never had a problem talking to you, but now its really hard to" I said covering my face with my hands. "Charlotte its ok I feel the same way. I feel like I might say something wrong and trust me I dont want to feel like that but im just going to hash this out right now and tell you exactly how I feel. I... like you. I feel weird everytime I see you like im either going to throw up because im so nervous or im going to smile like an idiot because you're so beautiful. I just have a problem looking at you without turning as red as a firetruck." He said. I giggled at his comparison to the firetruck and layed a hand on his knee. " thats how I feel but I dont know what to do because I dont want to ruin our friendship with a relationship" I replyed tapping my fingers on my knee. I feel flustered and tired and this conversation is not helping. "Neither do I" he said with a smile. "So maybe we should forget about this whole thing until were both perfectly sure were ready for that sort of thing." I said staring at his swolen ankle. "Yeah" he agreed. "Sooo...." I said popping my knuckles "we should probably get the seats back up before ray gets here" I said changing the subject. "Yeah we probably should."

A/N so this chapter took me a really long time to write and trust me more will happen between them I just dont want anything to happen to quickly. Hope you enjoy and have a great day.

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