Come to the bathroom

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Backstory- You and Jaden are on a double date and both of y'all are extremely horny and so he tells you to meet you in the bathroom

Me and Jaden are in a double date with Alex and Kouvr and we are both extremely hit by right now
Paige- so when's the wedding
Alex- a few weeks
Paige- are y'all excited
Kouvr- yes I'm very excited all that's next is kids
Alex- we will talk about it
Kouvr- are y'all ever gonna have kids
Jaden- in a few years
Paige- yeah we aren't really gonna rush it
Kouvr- that's good
Paige- I wouldn't mind having kids tho
Kouvr- we should get pregnant together
Paige- yes are kids can be besties
Kouvr- yes yes yes
We high five each other
Jaden- if you excuse me I'm gonna go to the bathroom
He gets up and goes to the bathroom
Kouvr- have y'all been arguing a lot still
Paige- no thank god I hate when me and him argue we were Rocky for awhile Im glad we are doing better
Kouvr- I'm really glad to I hate seeing you cry because y'all got into an argument
Paige- love him no matter what
I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket and I look And it's a text from Jaden
Come to the bathroom *image*
I open the image and it's a dick pic
Paige- I'm gonna go see what's taking him so long
Kouvr- ok
I get up and I walk to the bathrooms and then I feel my arm getting pulled into the bathroom and then someone kisses me and I see it's Jaden so I kiss him back and then he locks the door and picks me up and pushes me against the door and he pulls his pants down and puts his dick in me and he fucks me against the door and he puts his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet and then 5 minutes later we both cum and get fixed up and then we go back to Kouvr and Alex
Paige- he spilled something on his pants
Kouvr- ofc he did
We finish eating and then we pay and then we leave and Jaden takes me to the store to buy snacks and he gets me roses and then we go back to me and his house and watch movies and sleep

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