Launch sequence (Ch 1)

253 2 0

Alaska - 2020

Kaiju War Year 7


An alarm goes off.

"Gipsy Danger report to Bay 08, level A-42."

A hologram screen comes up with a map of the world, a red warning sign states 'Kaiju alert, Category 3' in the middle of the map. In the top left corner the time says 1:59.

"Kaiju. Code name: Knifehead. Category 3. 8,700 metric tons."

A young man in his twenties gets woken up from the sound of the alarm alerting them of the trouble, he turns over quickly to look at the screen then throws his blanket off.

"Yo, Yancy, wake up!"

He shouts, panting because of how quickly he started moving. He gets up and starts firmly patting his older brother Yancy's mattress in the bunk above him

"Movement, in the breach!"

He grabs Yancy's face and starts lightly hitting him to wake him up. Grabbing Yancy's chin he tells him "Hey, come on! We're bei-"

A pillow comes from the other side of the room and hits him in the head.

"Ack! Wha- Hey! What was that for Harrs?!" He complains.

"You're being too fucking loud Rals" grumbles 'Harrs' who pulls her blankets up over her head

"Alright, you two settle down" Yancy chuckles, only getting a grumbled "Whatever Yance" in return from 'Harrs'.

"Good, kiddo, care to continue what you were saying?" Yancy or 'Yance' finishes getting down from the bunk. "Also Harrs stop hiding in your blankets and get up."

"Oh yeah! I was saying that "We're being deployed" and that the Kaiju is Category 3, the biggest one yet. Code name: Knifehead" 'Rals' or 'kiddo' replies "Harriet get out of bed we need to get ready" 'Rals' states while heading to the mini fridge with a shirt to grab the orange juice.

"Ughhh, fine fine I'm doing." 'Harrs' now known as Harriet complains "Rals, what time is it?"

"2" came Rals' short reply.



"Son of a bitch!"


"Shut up Yance, also I dibbs bathroom first" she snaps closing the bathroom door.

"So what do you say? Fifth notch on the belt?"

"Don't get cocky kid, you never know"

"Whatever you say Yancy, it's called being optimistic."

"Yeah right, I swear you ge-"

Knocking on the door interrupts their 'conversation' "Come on Beckets, time for the drop"


"Years before..."

Yancy, Harriet and 'Rals' are striding down the corridors with Yancy at the front to the left and 'Rals' next to him at his right, and Harriet a little behind them standing in the middle. Harriet had her blonde waist length hair in twin dutch braids. All three of them had on a black leather jacket that had faded white 'Gipsy Danger' on the back of the jacket, black work boots and a dark green tracksuit like thing with a white shirt underneath.The view switches to the front so it seems like they're stalking towards us. They continue down the corridor through the maze of hallways.

"... you wouldn't have picked my siblings Yancy, Harriet and I for heroes."

The view returns to facing their backs as they stride through a doorway with it closing once they've gone through.

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