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Two days prior to her wedding, Twinkle asked Nisha to accompany her to her parent's home to give them wedding invitation.They might not have treated her like their daughter but she still considered them as her parents.She wanted her father to do her 'Kanyadan',like every father do.

Deep in her heart that she knew that she would end up getting hurt like everytime but she didn't want to give up even without trying once.

N-I don't think so it's a good idea sweety.
They a few a streets away from Rt's house when Nisha again asked her.

T-I know but I want my father to be there for me on my big day.Is it too much to ask him, Massi?She turned to her as they continued to walk.

N-I can understand your feelings but I just don't want you to get hurt.

T- Don't worry about me.I am kind of immune towards their harsh words and it wouldn't't affect me.
She ensured her Massi and hold her hand entering into the gate.

She knocked on the door she waited for someone to open it.Being late in the evening she knew that everyone will be present home and she could personally invite them.Her back stiffened when she heard the heavy footsteps before the door was opened by her father.

Papa... her voice came out as breathe

Rt-Why did you come here?
Her heart broke when she saw the sudden sourness on his face when he saw her standing there.

T-May i come in?I have something to tell you.
She asked unsure of his answer but he opened the door wider for them and went inside with Twinkle and Nisha following him.

A-What the hell are you two doing here?RT why did you let that bitch enter inside after what she did to us?
She asked through greeted teeth


A-Dont call me that,i am not your mother.She yelled at her

Hearing her high shrill Aman and Mahi too came out of their rooms.They threw a disgusting look on Twinkle.

N(angrily)-Anita we are here to talk to RT so better keep your filthy mouth shut.
She squeezed Twinkle's shoulder with a nod encouraging her to do for what she came here

Twinkle took out the invitation card from her cross bag and haded it to her father.
T-Papa i am getting married this Sunday.
She waited for him react but when he didn't react and kept his eyes fixed on card she continued,"I want you to come and do my Kanyadan".

She heard loud gasps from Anita and Mahi as they moved closer to her father to have a look on the invitation card that he was still holding.

M-She is getting married to Kunj Sarna.She heard her whisper yelled to her mother while Anita's jaw fell open with shock.

Twinkle didn't know why they were so surprised with the fact that she is marrying Kunj.She wondered 'Did they know him personally' not aware of his reputation as 'most successful businessman of the year'.

RT-And what made you think i would want to attend your wedding?
Twinkle turned her attention back to her father.

N-Rt she is your daughter and only reminder of Leela.How can you talk to her like that?

Rt- Reminder of Leela? No,she is the reason why she is not here with us?
I lost her because of this girl.I wish she wasn't born at all.That way things would have been much different.

He ripped the invitation into the pieces before throwing it on Twinkle's face.She turned looked at her step mother and siblings who were watching her with a eveil glint in their eyes.

Even though Twinkle was well prepared for this she couldn't stop her tears flowing from her eyes.She swallowed hard and walked near him placing her hand on his arm.She could feel his muscles tense under her touch.

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