We left the conversation at that as I turned and headed outside to wait for her so we could saddle up the horses. A sharp whistle came from Jessica's mouth as she called the horses over so. "Take your pick, which of these lovelies would you like to take for a spin?" she asks smiling. Walking over to the fence, I reached my arm out towards them in a general gesture to see which would react first.

Sliver reached her nose forward first and so I pointed to her "I'll take her for a spin." I say with a laugh. Setting the saddle and bridle on the fence, I jumped up and hopped over, landing next to the silvery horse. Smoothing my hand over her coat, I hoist the saddle over her back swiftly and quickly strap it in place.

Picking the bridle up, I gently fasten it into place before swinging myself up into the saddle and looking over over at Jessica to see if she was ready. Sitting atop Midnight, Jessica sat there with a smile. "I'll race you!" she suddenly challenges from behind me. Moving over some, I glance over my shoulder and smirk "You're on, around the track once" I say pointing to the double track things that went around part of the pen.

She smirks slightly "3!...2!...1! GO!" we shout together. And with that, we were off and down the track, the horses kicking up dust and dirt everywhere. We flew down the tracks next to each other, neither of us giving any ground. She pulled ahead slightly, nearly a full length ahead when I managed to pull up next to her again and slip past her.

The whole thing only lasted a couple minutes and she ended up winning, just by a small fraction of a Moment. Smiling brightly, eyes practically glowing in excitement, I pulled Sliver around and looked around the rest of her area. She owned a lot of land surprisingly for a home in a sub-urban area. It was pretty rare to see these days in general.

There was a garden and a greenhouse off to one side, a pool over on the other and in the back, a thick set of woods. "Amazing" I murmured to myself. Tugging the reins lightly, I guided Sliver over to the woods, my spirt of adventure coming alive for once. I didn't bother to see if Jessica was going to join me or not, it wasn't like I was going to steal her house or whatever, I was just going off exploring.

Jessica's POV

I sat atop of Midnight, my breath short but I felt so alone again. Having money wasn't anything if you weren't happy and I wasn't totally happy. Sure I had money and friends and popularity and yes those things meant something to me but there was still a small gap that I felt. Like something was missing and in this Moment, I felt complete.

Shaking my head, a stupid smile on my face, I watched as Kaylee looked around my place before heading down to the woods. I followed close behind, wondering where she was going to take me. "You know," she says looking back at me "this is nice. I haven't-"

Sliver jumps forward suddenly and races off into the woods in full gallop. Kaylee's voice rang out as a flow of curses fell from her mouth as she tried to bring the out of control horse back under her control. Kicking Midnight's sides gently, I race after her and into the unknown forest. I'd never wandered to far into them. They were unknown to me, so deep and filled with secrets I didn't even know existed.

"Kaylee!? Kaylee are you okay!?" I yell after her as they finally come to a stop. She lay over the neck of Silver, her breathing ragged as she just rested limply. "Yeah...I'm...all good..." she huffs looking at me, quite pale faced. Eyeing her with a skeptical look, I jumped off Midnight and helped her down "Alright...well, I hope they know how to get home" I say looking at the two horses who had suddenly turned and raced back through the forest.

Kaylee chuckles softly "I'm sure they'll be okay." Sitting next to her, I looked around feeling a bit nervous now. "Do you know where we are?" Kaylee shakes her head and glances around. "Nope, no idea". "Tsk, come on. How do you know know where we are? You've lived here longer then me!" she snip feeling rather irritated about this now. A sharp glare meets my annoyed look as Kaylee fires a retort back. "No, I lived other places before here remember?"

A short annoyed sound clicks through my teeth as I look around. "What if we die out here? Like, just no one ever finds us? Oh my god we're going to die aren't we?" I groan lightly punching the ground in frustration. In response, Kaylee laughs in which I shoot her a hot glare "What?" I snap, her reactions not helping with anything at all.

"You clearly. We'll be fine, chill out" she answered in a slight mutter. Standing up, she starts walks around a bit, not going to far from where we were. Not moving, I stood still and just watched her. "Are you going to get us outta here or what?" I ask starting to feel uneasy. The sun was starting to slowly sink and the woods were steadily dimming down and the forest was slowly falling asleep.

Flopping down on her back, arm behind her head, Kaylee lay comfortably on the forest floor looking over at me. "Nah, I'm tired" she says yawning. "Now isn't the time to sleep! We have to get outta here!" I snap. She just waved her free hand carelessly as her eyes fell shut and her whole being relaxed. How could she sleep at a time like this! This girl was crazy! A weird loner and a crazy nutter! Damnit, why'd I have to get paired up with some weirdo? "Fine, I'll find my own way out!" And with that, I stomped off in some random direction.

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