Feeling overwhelmed, Jisung simply followed Felix around the house, nodding in agreement.

Jisung was added to the security system, and just as they finished, the doorbell rang. Changbin opened the door to find Minho standing outside. He greeted him, "Come in."

Minho stepped inside and immediately asked, "Is he here?"

Spotting Felix and Jisung in the hall, Felix assured him, "He's here. But he hasn't eaten all day, and we still need to bring some furniture to his room. Would you mind catching up with him later?"

Minho nodded in understanding, moved closer to Jisung, and gave him a reassuring hug. "No matter what happened, I'll support you, okay?" he said gently.

Jisung relaxed in Minho's embrace and replied, "Felix mentioned that you could stay over if you want. I'd really appreciate having you here for support today."

Minho glanced at Felix, who smiled and nodded in agreement. "I'll stay," Minho confirmed.

Felix then announced, "Alright, let's find some furniture for Jisung's room." Together, they began to gather the necessary items to make Jisung's new living space comfortable and welcoming..

They walked around the house, selecting two nightstands, a pair of armchairs, a coffee table from the upstairs rooms, and a desk with a chair from the basement. Jisung also discovered two potted plants that caught his eye. Together, they moved all the items into Jisung's new room.

Once everything was in place, they stepped back to admire the result. Changbin commented, "It's really cozy in here."

Minho agreed, "Definitely. It's a really nice place."

Jisung expressed his gratitude to Felix, "Thank you, Felix. This means a lot to me."

Felix responded warmly, "You're welcome. I hope you decide to stay here for the next two years. No pressure, but I just wanted to let you know that I'd love to have you here."

Minho appeared shocked by Felix's words but didn't say anything.

Deciding it was time for them to eat, Felix announced, "Okay, let's have some food."

They made their way to the kitchen, where Felix found some ready-to-eat food and heated it up. As they ate, they engaged in light conversation, given that it was already quite late and everyone was feeling tired. Once they finished eating, Felix said, "Okay. Make yourselves at home. Breakfast is at 7 o'clock. Goodnight!"

Taking Changbin's hand, he led him to his room. Upon entering, Felix immediately collapsed onto the bed and pulled Changbin down with him.

Felix complained, "I'm so tired. It's been such a long day, with so many important conversations. I feel like I'm going to die."

Changbin reassured him, "You handled everything perfectly. You have such a big heart, and you genuinely care about everyone."

Felix countered, "Don't make me out to be an angel. I care about the people in my circle."

Changbin replied, "Alright, cool guy. Let me take care of you for a change."

Felix inquired, "Will you stay?"

Changbin confirmed, "Yes."


The next day, after their training session, Changbin, Chan, and Jisung left the training center together. Chan suggested, "Let's have a chat before we head out."

Jisung and Changbin agreed, and they walked over to a nearby bench. Changbin and Jisung sat down while Chan stood in front of them.

Chan with a sigh confessed, "I'm tired."

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