Chapter 2

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||Y/n POV||:

"Wh-wh-what do you mean you know where we are." Amanda asked. "I don't know where we are but I think this is where my grandfather does his traps. I know that because I've been in one 2 years ago with my best friend." I responded. Amanda turned around to face the boarded window. "NO! NO! NO!" Amanda yelled while ripping the blinds off the window. "It's ok." Jonas said trying to calm Amanda down. "NO!" Amanda yelled while pushing Jonas away from her. "FUCK!" Amanda yelled while trying to open the safe. "What?" Jonas asked. Amanda didn't respond and just started walking to the chimney. She found a tape. "What is this?" Jonas asked. "Everything you need to know is on there." I responded. "Greetings and welcome. I trust that you are all wondering where you are. I can assure you that while your location is not important, what these walls offer for you is important salvation, if you earn it. 3 hours from now the door to this house will open. Unfortunately, you only have 2 hours to live. Right now you are breathing in a deadly nerve agent. You've been breathing it since you arrived here. Those of you familiar with the Tokyo subway attacks will know its devastating effects on the human body. The only way to overcome it and walk out that door, is to find an antidote. Several are hidden around this house. Two is inside the safe in front of you. You all possess the combination to the safe. Think hard. The numbers are in the back of your mind. The clues of their order can be found over the rainbow. Once you realize what you all have in common, you will be in a better understanding of why you're here. X marks the spot for that clue, so look carefully. Let the game begin." "Who is this?" Jonas asked. "What does he mean gas." Addison asked. "How did you know where to find this?" Jonas asked. "This is bullshit." Xavier said as he found a note on the ground. "Do not attempt to use this key on the door to this room." Xavier said while reading. "Fuck this, man." "Yeah, fuck this, that's a good idea." Gus responded. "No, no. That's not a good idea." I said. "So what are we gonna do, huh, sit here?" Xavier asked. "The note said not to use the key." I said knowing obviously someone is gonna die. "Who gives a shit about the note, all right? This is all a fuckin' big goddamn joke and I'm about to end it." Xavier responded. Gus put the key in the key hole to unlock the door and put his eye in the peep hole to see the other side but he ended up getting shot or something. Everyone started screaming except for me because I'm not surprised. Daniel got behind me because he was scared. Jonas picked Amanda up and grabbed me at the same time and put us up against the wall. "One of you better start talking right now. What is this?" Jonas asked. "It's a game" Amanda said scared. "Ain't no fuckin' game!" Jonas responded. "My man just got his head blown off!" "He's testing us." I said. "Who's testing us?" Jonas asked. "Bro, do you not remember what I said earlier? Jigsaw is testing us." I responded. "WE HAVE TO PLAY BY THE FUCKIN' RULES!" Amanda yelled while Jonas let us go. Daniel went behind me again while grabbing my arm. I looked at him. "Sorry." he whispered as he let go of my arm. I grabbed his hand and put it back on my arm. "I'll let you do it." I whispered. "Thanks." He said. I nodded. "How do you two know that?" Jonas asked. "I told you already. I've been tested before and so has she if she knows all of this." I responded. Amanda nodded. 

||Time skip||

"Find an antidote. Several are hidden around the house. Two is inside the safe in front of you. You all possess the combination to the safe. Think hard. The numbers are in the back of your mind. Think hard. The numbers are in the back of your mind. The clues of their order can be found..." The tape was saying while we were trying to find the antidote. We all got distracted because there were banging noises. The door was opening. Xavier walked towards the door to make sure it was safe. Me and Daniel helped Laura get up. Xavier grabbed a stick that was in the corner of the room to open the door. We all walked out of the room we were in. There was a nailed bat in the corner of the hallway and Xavier took it. "Hey, wait a minute. Where are you going?" Jonas asked Xavier. "I'm gonna find an antidote, and I'm gonna get out of here." Xavier responded. Xavier and Jonas went on back and forth. Me, Daniel and Addison followed Xavier. The others came along. Addison found a flash light. Daniel was still holding onto my arm. Addison started coughing up blood. "You ok?" Jonas asked Addison. "Yeah, I'm fine."  Addison responded. We all found a door that said 'exit'. Xavier tried to use the key on the door. "Fuck!" Xavier yelled because the key didn't work. Me and Daniel looked at each other.

||Time skip||

 Xavier started hitting the door with his bat.  Me and Daniel were sitting on the staircase. He was flinching because of how loud the hits were. I saw that he was flinching so I decided to hold his hand to make him feel better. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. "FUCK!" Xavier yelled because he didn't manage to break the other side of the door. "Well, we've established that macho bullshit approach isn't opening the door. Any other suggestions?" Addison said making Xavier mad. "Look who's talking. The only door you know how to open is between your legs." Xavier responded. "WHY DON'T YOU SHUT THE HELL UP?" Addison yelled. Addison and Xavier kept on fighting while Jonas tried to calm them down. Amanda opened the lights. "Did you find anything?" Daniel asked the two girls while still holding my hand. "No. Nothing." Laura responded seeing our hands together. "Did you two know each other before coming here?" Laura asked both of us while pointing at our hands. "No." Daniel said while our hands part. "It was just the Y/n saw that I was flinching while he was hitting the door and she/he/they held my hand to calm me down." Daniel responded. "Ok." Laura responded. 


I made another chapter and I realised that I said we'll see what Y/N's trap was in chapter 1 or 2 but I promise it will be in the next chapter. I'll make another chapter later today.

(1139 words) 

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