The moon hung low in the sky, casting a faint glow over the city of Lumina. Shadows stretched and danced along
the alleyways, weaving a tapestry of secrecy and hidden stories. In one such alley, nestled between the towering buildings, a figure moved silently, blending into the darkness with practiced ease.

Lucy or Shadowstrike, as she had come to be known on the unforgiving streets, navigated the night with a grace born out of necessity. Her clothes, tattered and worn, clung
to her slender frame as she pressed herself against the cold brick wall. Her eyes, sharp and vigilant, scanned the surroundings for any signs of danger. The scent of decay and desperation filled the air as she
prepared to undertake her nightly ritual - stealing to survive. The days had grown tougher, food scarce, and the alleys were her hunting grounds. She had become a ghost, a whisper in the night, elusive and invisible.

Tonight, her target was a small grocery store. It was a risky endeavor, but she was desperate. With a steady hand and nimble fingers, Lucy picked the lock, her heart pounding
in her chest. As the door creaked open, she slipped inside like a shadow, her senses heightened. Her footsteps were soundless as she navigated the aisles, searching for something to satiate her hunger. Canned goods and packaged snacks lined the shelves, a tempting feast in her eyes. She carefully selected a few items, stuffing them into the pockets of her worn-out jacket.

Just as she was about to make her escape, a flicker of movement caught her attention. The gleam of moonlight reflected off a pair of mischievous eyes and a sly grin. It was Harley, a high-ranking member of The Phantom Syndicate, known for her deadly accuracy with firearms and
her flirtatious nature.

„Well, well, what do we have here?“ Harley purred, her voice dripping with playful amusement, „Shadowstrike,
the elusive thief. You’ve been causing quite a stir, my dear.“

Lucy’s heart raced, torn between fear and intrigue. Harley’s flirtations were well-known within the criminal
underworld, but Shadowstrike never knew how to respond. She had always been on guard, keeping her emotions
locked away, unwilling to let anyone get too close. Harley stepped closer, her gaze lingering on the girl in
front of her, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

„You know, love, I must say, you have quite the talent for skulking about in the shadows. But I have to wonder, what’s the thrill for you? Is it the danger? Or perhaps... the

Lucy hesitated, her eyes meeting Harley’s, the conflict
within her apparent.

„I... I don’t know,“ she finally admitted, her voice
barely a whisper. „Survival has become second nature to
me. I’ve never thought beyond that.“

Harley’s playful grin widened as she reached out, her fingers grazing Shadowstrike’s cheek.

„Well, my dear, perhaps it’s time you started thinking about more than survival. There’s a whole world out there waiting to be discovered.“

Before Shadowstrike could respond, a distant siren broke the moment, their stolen encounter abruptly interrupted. They both knew the authorities would be closing in, and it was time to retreat, even if they weren’t sure they were after them specifically. They wouldn’t risk it. With a wink and a parting smirk, Harley vanished into the shadows,
leaving Shadowstrike to contemplate her words.

As Lucy slipped back into the night, her stolen loot clutched tightly in her hands, a new fire ignited within her.
The encounter with Harley had sparked something dormant within her, a curiosity and yearning for more than just survival. She knew that the path ahead would be treacherous, and dangerous, not the one she would want for herself. Though, what choice did she have?

Another night in some alley, only lit by one street lamp at the far end, Lucy stood, her eyes meeting Harley’s mischievous gaze. The corner of Harley’s lips curled into a playful smirk as she took a step closer, the dim light casting an eerie glow on her face.

„Hey there, Shadowstrike.“ Harley purred in her typical playful voice, „Got a proposition for ya. We’ve got a sweet little job lined up, and we could use someone with your

Lucy hesitated, torn between her instincts and the allure of the unknown. She knew deep down that working with The Phantom Syndicate was dangerous and morally ambiguous, but the prospect of adventure and the promise of a reward tugged at her curiosity.

„What’s the job?“ Shadowstrike asked, her voice laced with caution.

Harley’s eyes sparkled with excitement as she leaned in closer, her breath brushing against Lucy’s ear.

„We’re hitting some rich man’s home. A real easy in-and-out. Just a little liberating of his valuable treasures.
You in?“

Shadowstrike’s mind raced, calculating the risks and rewards. the thought of a quick score and the adrenaline of the heist enticed her, fueling her growing desire for something more than the life she currently led.

After a moment of contemplation, Lucy nodded, a flicker of determination in her eyes.

„Alright, I’m in. But only this once.“ Harley’s grin widened, revealing a glimmer of admiration mixed with mischief. „Welcome to the team, Shadowstrike. You won’t regret

And so, the stage was set. Lucy found herself thrust into the company of Deathrow and Viper, two figures she had only heard whispers about in the shadows of Lumina’s underbelly. The trio gathered in a secluded hideout, surrounded by maps, blueprints, and tools to trade.

Deathrow, a hulking figure with a brooding aura, eyed Shadowstrike with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity. His imposing presence sent shivers down her spine, but
she steeled herself, refusing to show any signs of weakness.

Viper, his tongue forever silenced as a reminder of past failures, moved with an air of relentless energy. Despite his clumsy nature, there was a hint of resilience in his eyes, an unspoken determination to prove himself.

As they planned their strategy, Lucy found herself both captivated and cautious in the presence of her newfound companions. The weight of her decision settled upon her shoulders, mingling with the anticipation of the impending

Little did she know that this would be the beginning of a journey that would test her loyalties, challenge her beliefs, and shape her destiny in ways she could never have imagined.
And so the night pressed on, the shadows embracing them as they ventured forth into the unknown, their destinies entwined by the choices they had made.

(Extract/Probe)Shadowstrike: A Brush With Shadows Where stories live. Discover now