10. Hyde the Nightmares

Start from the beginning

"I believe it won't be necessary if I murder the monster before it captures me," the psychic planned ahead.

"Probably so. Be on high alert, Wednesday. Who knows where this monster could be lurking," the ghost gave a heads up.

"There's no need to tell me twice. I'll take care of this matter," Wednesday reminded her relative.

"I look forward to your success," Goody plastered a small grin that was noticeably sad.

Wednesday got one glimpse of her ancestor persisting until her ghostly figure disappeared into thin air. It was the gothic's turn to leave the imaginary world Goody brought her to. Her field of vision became pitch black, aware that she'll be back to reality. Briskly, she felt a hand shaking her shoulder. A delicate voice went from faded to a clear tone.


Once again, the grim girl opened her eyes. The first person she saw was Enid. Her blue eyes filled with worrisome change to relief. Wednesday discovered herself lying on one of the loveseats in the living room. Beside Enid who sat down on the edge of the sofa were the rest of the Addams family glancing at the woman in curiosity.

"Welcome back my death trap! We were wondering when you'd come back," Gomez beamed at his daughter.

"Enid was very concerned for you dear. She was on the verge of tears. We had to calm her down and interpret what was happening before she assumed the worst," Morticia explicated what transpired while Wednesday spectated her vision.

"I'm sorry that I overreacted. I didn't know Wednesday would have an episode of her frozen in place when a vision emerges," Enid massaged the back of her neck in an embarrassing manner.

"I should be the one to apologize for not informing you. It hasn't crossed my mind to break down the process of my vision episodes to you," Wednesday sat herself up on the couch.

For Enid to feel some comfort, she latched her hands onto Wednesday's. Mercifully for the colorful she-wolf, the raven did not pull away. Instead, she intertwined her fingers tightly onto Enid's as if the blonde would depart at any given second. After observing the mirage of herself, Enid, and the mysterious creature, she cannot help but feel protective of the werewolf.

"You don't have to apologize. I was only worried for a bit. Thanks to your family, I know what to expect in case you have another vision," Sinclair smiled in ease.

"Not to ruin both of your wholesome moments, but I guarantee all of us are nosy about what you saw in your vision," Pugsley pitched into the discussion.

"Yes! Tell us about your vision," Gomez, too, was curious.

Wednesday let out a deep breath before responding, "Goody was there with me to watch the vision together. At first, I found myself stabbed with a knife. A monster was watching me bleed to death. Then, it switched to Enid in her werewolf form. She had fought the exact beast since her fur was covered with blood, until..."

She paused. Her fingers dug into Enid's back hands firmly in which the lycan noticed. She didn't want to finish her sentence about Enid being choked to death by the creature. The image of her admirer being leisurely killed created a crushing feeling to her heart. Rather than telling everybody the rest of the story, Wednesday let go of Enid's hands and darted out of the living room.

"Wednesday!" Enid called out as she got up from the furniture.

The eldest Addams child didn't look back. She continued walking fastly into the foyer and upstairs. Enid sighed in defeat, feeling perturbed for the woman she adores. She senses something is clearly upsetting Wednesday.

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