The adjustment

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Kiko woke up in Kokoshibos arms the next night and looked around. Kokoshibo stood up and picked Kiko up.

"Come on Kiko, let's get you ready and I'll take you out to get some food" Kokoshibo stated and carried Kiko to a room filled with female clothes. Some of the clothes were ripped up and some were covered in blood. Kokoshibo was looking for any clean and non-destroyed clothes as Kiko stood by the door. Kiko looked down the hall and saw something shiny on someone. Kiko walked down the hall and grabbed a fan off a person. She opened the fan and was in awe when she saw how shiny it was.

"It's pretty isn't it?" A man asked. Kiko turned around and was faced with two rainbow eyes that said 'Upper rank 2' on them.

"Yes... it's very shiny..." Kiko said with a shy voice. The man with rainbow eyes smiled but something in Kiko told her not to trust him.

"I'm Doma, and what's your name, little lady?" Doma asked. Kiko opened her mouth to answer tell Kokoshibo came behind her and picked her up.

"Kiko, you shouldn't wonder off like that!" Kokoshibo said. He glared at Doma with two of his eyes as he took the fan away from Kiko and gave it back to Doma.

"Please keep your toys away from her... Doma" Kokoshibo said. Doma smirked.

"Of course Koko~" Doma said. Kokoshibo started to walk back down the hall. Kiko looked over Kokoshibo's shoulder and waved 'bye' to Doma. Doma waved back and left the other way. When Kokoshibo and Kiko were back in the room with all the clothes, the clothes were separated and there was one kimono picked out. It was dark purple and had white trim. Kokoshibo helped Kiko get dressed but then froze when he realized he didn't know what to do with her hair. Kokoshibo looked down and saw some thick red rope in his pocket, he took it then grabbed Kiko's hair and put it up in a ponytail. He smiled at how cute Kiko looked with her hair in a ponytail.

"Ok, Kiko. First thing we need to do is feed you then i'll show you around the castle, ok?" Kokoshibo asked as he picked her up. Kiko nodded and slowly started to play with his hair. Kokoshibo didn't mind and just carried her to a room that was filled with humans. He put her down and smiled.

"Pick whoever you want to eat and enjoy!" Kokoshibo said as he gave her a little nudge towards the chained humans. Kiko looked at a human woman and walked over to her. The woman started to scream as she thought Kiko was gonna kill her. Kiko reached out and patted the woman on the head and smiled. The woman saw that Kiko was no threat, she realized this was her chance and pushed past Kiko and ran towards the door. Kiko fell on the floor and cried out as the floor scraped her head. Kokoshibo killed the woman and quickly picked up Kiko. He noticed how her head was healing slowly and he looked over at the dead woman's body. He reached down and ripped a piece of the woman's arm off and put it in front of Kiko's nose.

"You need to eat this Kiko" Kokoshibo stated as Kiko kept crying and Kokoshibo remembered what calmed her down the night before. He closed all his eyes and opened one eye at a time. Kiko calmed down soon and looked at the human meat in his hand. Kiko smelled the meat then started to eat it. Kokoshibo smiled and pat Kiko on the head as she ate the human meat. Kokoshibo walked out of the room and carried Kiko back to her room and sat her there.

"You stay here, i gotta go do something" Kokoshibo said and Kiko nodded and watched as Kokoshibo left the room. Kiko looked around the room and stayed sitting on the futon tell someone opened the door. Kiko looked towards the door and saw a man with blue tattoos all over him. The man and her stared at each other until the man spoke.

"Um... hi" The man with blue tattoo's said. Kiko screamed and threw her pillow at him. The man caught the pillow in the air and kneeled down and then tossed it to her.

"Hey it's ok... I'm Akaza. What's your name?" Akaza asked calmly as he tried not to scare Kiko. Kiko shock in fear and wrapped up in her blanket.

"K-Kiko..." Kiko said shakily. Akaza nodded and sat on the floor at the door.

"Where's your parents?" Akaza asked as he looked over Kiko. He noticed her fangs and eyes and realized she's a demon as well.

"Mr Kokoshibo..." Kiko said. Akaza nodded and thought of something to give her to calm her down then looked in his pocket and found a small yunomi that had flowers painted on it. Akaza pulled it out and reached it out for Kiko to take.

"Here..." Akaza grinned as Kiko looked at the cup in aw. She reached out and took it from him and held the yunomi in her hands and looked at the flowers on it.

"Is this for me?" Kiko whispered and Akaza nodded. Kiko held the cup close and smiled.

"Thank you" Kiko added and Akaza moved closer and sat next to her.

"So... how old are you?" Akaza asked as Kiko kept looking at the yunomi.

"I'm four..." Kiko added and looked up at Akaza. Akaza looked at her in shock and was about to speak tell Kokoshibo came to the door.

"Kiko who are y-" Kokoshibo stopped when he saw Kiko sitting next to Akaza.

"Kokoshibo! I made a friend!" Kiko said with joy and stood up. She ran over and held up the yunomi for Kokoshibo to see.

"Mr Akaza gave me this!" Kiko smiled brightly as Kokoshibo kneeled down and looked at the yunmoi then at Akaza. He puts the yunmoi in his pocket and picks up Kiko.

"Ok... well i'm taking you somewhere" Kokoshibo said and held Kiko close as he ran fast. Kiko giggled in joy and soon fell asleep. It took them the whole night but they arrived at a village. They his in a barn to protect themselves from the sun.

Kiko the young demon (Demon slayer oc story)Where stories live. Discover now