Isabella POV

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           Have you ever wondered what it's like to fall in love with someone? Recently, there has been this boy that I've been seeing round, but he's way older than me and way out of my league. 

          I'm currently a high school student attending Rose Throne Academy. It's my last year here before I graduate. I have no plans, whatsoever, about what to do with my future. My mother is very famous hair dresser working in Beverly hills, maybe I should just become a hair dresser as well. 

      But would he think highly of me, I know I shouldn't be planing my life through what a boy might think, but he's so good looking. His parents own a big successful tech company, and currently he is next in line for the company. How can someone who is basically CEO of the super famous, successful, rich tech company possibly look at a famous hair dresser. 

      "Hey Dana, how's your brother?" I asked my best friend 

       "He's fine I guess, but why are you asking?" She questioned me

       "No reason, I just saw him on today's magazine" I answered, feeling my checks turn a little red.

       "Ugh, again, I don't see why people are always dying over him, he's not that good looking, just average," She replied annoyed that her brother has stole the attention from her. 

       Dana is one of my best friends, she was born in Australia and moved to the U.S back when she was just 5 years old.  I know what you guys are thinking, no she doesn't have a accent. Either way her family is like super rich, and ever since she invited me to join her group I've experienced what people would call the mean girl experience.  Dana is basically Regina George and I'm Gretchen trying my hardest to fit in. 

    Don't get me wrong Dana is a great friend, when you tell her exactly what she wants to hear and she always the center of attention. Last year, my other friend Martha won this big soccer award, and Dana didn't talk to her for a week because everyone was talking about this big prestigious award that she won. Lucky for me I don't really do any school activities, except cheer, so Dana doesn't really fight with me. 

        "Isabella are you listening to me!?" Dana asked rolling her eyes in the process.

        "Yeah, you were asking where Martha was," I answered a little scared

        "She's at soccer practice right now, but she'll be back in time for cheer tryouts," I said smiling at her to show that I was dedicated the conversation. 

         "I don't know why Martha insists on doing soccer, cheer should be enough for her," she said annoyed. 

         "I know right!" I agree with her. 

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