ch 15 wolf instincts

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Daniel's pov
I walked in complete darkness then a bright light hit me and when I got back up I saw two doors 1st door said normal and the 2nd door said wolf power and I was confused I already have speed but speed and wolf powers weird wait I am a wolf mobian then I looked at my hands and noticed they weren't mine then I looked around the room and saw a mirror and I didn't recognize who this is(sees a human version of himself which would be me lol but mobians don't know what humans are)
(End of dream)
I jolted awake after whatever that was and I accidentally woke up Tails

Tails: hey you ok, you seem to be pretty shaken up

Daniel:yeah sorry weird dream,sorry I woke you

Tails:as long as your ok and we're up how bout some breakfast

Daniel:sure but first (gets on top of tails and kisses him) ok now we can get something to eat

Once we get to the kitchen I felt off and a major headache came and I fell to the floor
Tails pov
I stopped what I was doing when I heard Daniel scream and fell to the floor and I ran towards him but before I could reach him he ran off

Tails:daniel! Wait! (Sighs)I hope your ok

Daniel's pov
I woke up in the forest near me Tails favorite spot and ran back home
(At Tails and Daniel's house)



Tails: Daniel,you ok,it looked like you were about to pass out then you were gone

Daniel:I know I woke up on the ground in the forest near our favorite spot, but it felt like an instinct or something because beside me was this piece of metal

Tails: hmm can I see it maybe I can analyze it
I nodded and handed it to him and we went to his workshop (in our garage where the new tornado is being rebuild)

Tails:this is weird and intriguing

Daniel:what is it Tails, what's so interesting

He turns towards me

Tails:daniel you're gonna be fine this was planted on you so it looked like you're going crazy

Daniel:so what your saying babe is that someone wanted me to lose my mind(tails nodded) great just great

Tails:hey but there is a positive outlook on this

Daniel:what do you mean

Tails:your instincts were telling you well more like warning you about this (holds up the metal piece)it was draining your power

Daniel:I feel (closes eyes)100 percent again

Before I could open my eyes I felt Tails grab my waist to pull me close and kiss me while he caresses my cheek after pulling from the kiss he says "I love you"

Daniel: I love you too Tails and thanks for helping me through this,now I know I can always rely on you, my heart and my instincts and we will always be together because of our love for one another

Tails: that's good to hear and I'm glad that our love is strong to get us through anything,now come on it's my turn to pick a movie

I nodded and we cuddled on the couch and within the next day towards next month I haven't lost control of my abilities or had strange dreams so it's safe to say that I'm lucky because of my two tailed fox of a husband

Book 2 life with a two tailed fox Where stories live. Discover now