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Hey guys! Sorry! I know you guys were expecting an update but I just have to say this.

A big 'Thank You!' To everyone who has read my story! I know it's not the best one out there but, goddammit I think it's awesome that you guys have sat there and read it at all! I mean, 1.26K reads?!?! That's awesome!

I want to say a big thank you mostly to WafflesLUVAH and Elsa for giving me the best ideas and motivation.

I promise I will update a proper chapter soon, I just had to get this out there!

Without Idiot Nation/Family. There wouldn't even be me. Let alone this story. So thank you. But, let's not think about that now.

I'm so grateful for all of you!


Held Close by Someone I Never Knew [a Billie Joe and daughter fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now