Chapter 12: Rage & Love

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Billie and I head back into the office to grab my things when I'm stopped by The Clipboard Man...

"Excuse me, we haven't finished our conversation." He said in annoyance.

I was in no mood. I snapped at him.

"Look, pal, we are done here because there isn't anything left to discuss. Everything you have told me today is something that's fucking obvious. I don't need you telling me something I know. I wanna know something new."
I pointed towards Billie and continued.
"He has signed the shit to take me custody. I'm sure whatever you didn't tell me I can find out. That is if I don't already know it. So, thank you we are done here, well at least I am."

I grabbed my bass and amp, lifted it up over my shoulder, and walked past the two dazed men in front of me. I walked out of the office door and down the hall to the glass doors at the front, only to push it open with my foot and walk outside.

I didn't know which car was Billie's and to be honest. I kind of didn't care. I wanted to run. Run where? I didn't know. All I knew was that I just wanted to get the fuck out of here. I turned around the corner of the building, pushed my bass and amp off of my shoulder and lent against the cold brick wall. I breathed out a sigh of frustration and relief all at once.
I was so confused.

I mean, Billie Joe is my father? How? It was almost too good to be true. No scratch that. It was too unfortunate to be true. If he was my father, where was the bastard? Why did be bail on me and Vivian? He maybe some punk-ass rockstar, and my idol. But, he was one selfish mother fucker. Oh dear god. He's my idol. Can I even still call him that now? Everything was so fucked now. I felt trapped and cornered.

I closed my eyes and breathed in and out slowly when I was snapped awake by incoming footsteps. It was. Of course. Billie Joe, he was holding my suitcases. One in his hand and one propped up on his shoulder with his arm wrapped around it.

He flicked his eyes across at me and kept going, not saying a word. I scowled at him, picking up my bass and amp and trudging over behind him. He stopped abruptly, almost making me barge right into him, I find my balance though and stand right behind him. He sets down one of my suitcases and fumbles for his keys. He retrieves them from his pocket and unlocks the car. Only then do I notice the model of it.
It's a Blue '67 Ford Fairlane, it was absolutely beautiful. I stood there admiring the glossy shine on the primered shell when I notice an irritated Billie slouched over with his head turned my way staring at me.

"You going to stand there or help?"

I had to forcefully bite down on my tongue to stop myself from saying something I would regret. I bit down too hard, I realised that I drew blood.
This just made me more pissed.

I huffed and grab my bags and threw them in the trunk, and tossing my bass and amp in the backseat.

"Easy!" He half shouted at me.

I ignored him and his gaze and threw open the door to the Ford and slid in, der arching my bag from my back and tossing it at my feet. I slammed the door shut and rested my head against the window. I was in no mood for anyone's bullshit. Especially his. I don't care if he is a punk rocker. I have my standards.

He stood behind the car completely stationary, gazing through the back window at the back of my head, I looked through the rear view mirror and stared back.
I gave up having a staring contest and retrieved my iPod from my pocket and stuck my earbuds in, scrolling through my music, trying to avoid any Green Day songs at the moment.
I kept searching and gave up, settling for 'Let yourself Go' only because it's the only song that fit my mood.

A moment later, Billie came around the side of the car to drivers seat. He opened up the door and clambered in, closing it behind him and putting the key in the ignition. I waited for the sound of the engine revving up, but it didn't come. I looked at him confused.
He was staring back at me with his eyebrows furrowed. Almost as if he was studying me...
I got annoyed and took one ear bud out.

"What?" I spat.

His expression didn't change. Instead. He spoke back sternly.

"What the hell was that?!"

"What do you mean 'what the hell was that'?"

He leaned his head back on the head rest with frustration.

"Don't pull that shit! What you did back in that office!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realise I had to wait around for some bored office douche to tell me shit I already knew! Look, I don't even know you so I don't feel obliged to share myself to you and why I do things."

He cocked an eyebrow up and smirked.

"What now?"

"You don't know me, eh?"

"Did I stutter? I said that didn't i?"

"Except you do know me."

"What makes you think-."

He cut me off by pointing to my iPod.

"You're playing my song."

I looked from my iPod back to him and blushed, but not giving up.

"How would you know?"

"Your music is really loud. How are you not deaf?"

I scoffed and plugged my earbud back in, turning to the window.

"Don't you want to know about how your mother and I...well...happened?" I slightly heard over my blasting music.

I turned to him and rolled my eyes back to the window.

"I couldn't care less to be honest. Just save it."

He looked back to the wheel with almost a slight relieved look. Ass.

He started up the car and backed out of the parking lot and onto the road. I never thought I would say this, but I am over Green Day for now.
I scrolled through my music more and found 'Adam's Song' by Blink-182. I just layer against the door and slowly drifted to sleep. I was still confused over this whole Billie situation. As much as I hated him, I absolutely adored him.

It was like a mix between Rage & Love...

Held Close by Someone I Never Knew [a Billie Joe and daughter fanfic]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum