Chapter 1

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I was at the cafeteria talking with Angela. She was talking about how she hated what her technology was used for. She wanted her technology only to be used for healing, not for killing, like Ana's sniper does. I understand her, I don't like killing either, I only do it when it's one hundred percent necessary.

Angela had been like a mother for me, she was always caring for me, and sometimes, it was overprotective with me, but only when the situation was risky. She was a sweetheart, she deserved the entire world, a real guardian angel fallen from heaven.

-It's just... I don't like it! But of course, It's not that bad like Moira's experiments were. They were horrible, inhuman, and emetic.-she said with her usual calm and swiss accent, but still worried.

-I'm very lucky for not being in Overwath when she was at Blackwatch, surely she would have made me into a spell making machine or something like that.-I said in a moderated voice too.

-She even tried to transform Genji into a killing machine! She was crazy! -She heared something from her headphones- So soon Genji?-she was desesperated.-Genji's armor is broken AGAIN. I'm so sorry, we will talk later liebling! -she said leaving the cateferia

-Genji, Genji, Genji... Is Mr.I Need Healing, damaged again? -I said loud enough only me to hear it. I put my headphones on my head,  deciding that listening to music was a good option until I reached my room.

One thing that I loved at Overwatch was that we could design our rooms, put everything we wanted and decorate it as our likeness.

My room wasn't that big. It never bothered me, though. My room's window was pointing to the big garden of the instalations, full of trees, flowers and some sculptures.

It was one of my favourite places because it was very relaxating, peaceful. You couldn't hear anything, only the nature. Genji went often to meditate there, I sometimes  saw him being acompanied by Zenyatta too. We were very good friends, I liked the spirit of Zenyatta and his way to think. Genji's spirit was different, he had one like Zenyatta's, but sometimes he was a little killjoy, not wanting to go to the Arcade with D.Va and me. But I gotta say so, he was the king in the dancing games.

When I reached my room, I was about to close the door but some noticeable western cowboy accent stopped me.

-How's it going?-I took off my headphones, looking at him.

-Hello Cassidy! How are you? Is something wrong? Any limb out today?-

-Nah, I'm only here to talk to ya about something. Ya know I'm not into gossips, but I think this one maybe is one of you likeness, plus I know how of a gossip girl ya're.-he said, of course, a big westers accent was heard, classic from the man with cowboy complex.

-Tell me cowboy-I said interested-Well, maybe you want to pass, enter, as if it was your house, but not that much, I don't want you sneeking into the fridge.-I said letting him pass to my room.

-If there's no problem, I'll stay a bit. -he said sitting down on my couch.- Look, I just heared from Ana and Reinhardt that some new guy is coming to Overwatch, ya know what's the important  info here? He was friends with Symmetra -he said with an unbelievable voice. He looked like if it was the most shocking information no one gave him on his whole life. At the same time, I'm  was taken aback. Symmetra? Friends? Since when? - Yeah, I know it's difficult to believe it. But he was her roommate in the academy of Vishkar for some years as far as I know.-

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