Start from the beginning

"Yep. Mitobe agrees with you too."

Intrigued, you turn to the black-haired boy, who hasn't spoken a word since he entered the classroom. However introverted some may be, it's hard to believe that such silence is sheer shyness... But the last thing you want is to be intrusive and ask personal questions to a guy you barely know: so, for the time being, you'll let it run and settle for his friend's simultaneous translation.


Finally, after a long week, the basketball club was actually created. You didn't think it would happen given the constant rejections of Hyuga and Riko, the girl chosen to become the coach, but in the end they both gave in and another boy joined as well, Tsuchida. Slowly you've learned to know your new friends and to get along with everyone – especially with the one you would hardly have thought of bonding with: Mitobe. You found out through Koganei that the black-haired boy has been mute since birth, and that is why he has always had very few friends. It's not hard for you to see why people find it easier to get away from someone with such a disability, but for you this is far from a problem: your own little brother suffers from mutism, which is why you have become an expert at reading sign language over time. You're often the translator for your friends who are still learning, and every day comes the opportunity to teach them a few more words.

"Another hard training today, wasn't it Mitobe-kun?" – you say at the end of the guys' training.

"Definitely." – he gesticulates – "I'm exhausted."

"Don't tell me." – adds Koganei, breathing hard – "If she had extended the training even for five minutes I think I'd have collapsed to the ground."

"And that's just the beginning, slackers. Interhigh will not win itself!" – exclaims captain Hyuga, who is never too tired to scold anyone.

"Well, the silver lining is that Riko's intensive workouts are really paying off. Look here!"

You smile showing them a table with the results of each of the team members: in a few days there are already good improvements and the future prospects are excellent. Of course, you can't expect too much from a team of six people, but certainly no one lacks the will to improve.

"Great! Then we must celebrate!" –Kiyoshi exclaims, enthusiastic as always – "Let's go to the restaurant??"

"And with what money, you idiot! Do you think we're Jeff Bezos' children???" – Hyuga replies, giving him a slap on the shoulder.

"Right, I didn't think about it... an ice cream will be fine, right?"

You all agree and walk happily to the nearest ice cream shop, laughing and joking like the beautiful group of friends you are. Once each of you has their own cone, Koganei's face lights up.

"Hey, guys! How about taking a nice photo of our first ice cream together?"

"Why not, I'd like to!" – says Kiyoshi, followed by your positive opinion.

"Seriouslyyyy?" – asks Hyuga, with a long face that snatches a laugh from everyone.

"Oh stop it, you grumbler!" – Riko reproaches him, pulling his cheeks – "We all know that once we take the picture you'll be the first to ask Mitobe to send it and put it as a wallpaper!"

While Hyuga blushes and tries to rebel, Koganei nods to Mitobe, who takes his phone and opens the camera app. He tinkers a bit with the settings and then makes you understand that everything is ready for the shot, so you group up and pose smiling (some more and some less).

"Let'see let's see let's see!" – calls Riko leaning over Mitobe's shoulder, who puts his phone in the middle of the group so you can all look at the screen. No doubt about it, it's the best selfie you've ever seen: it's centered to perfection, the image is not grainy or blurry at all and despite being evening the lighting is impeccable.

(ENG) KUROKO NO BASKET ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now