Midnight Chocolate

Start from the beginning

"An explosion? Where?" Dazai asked.

The boy let go of Ranpo's hand and placed his finger on his lips, "I've taken an oath to never mention the place. However, the man you came here for, tragedy trails him like a snake."

"So we must see Tekkan-san eh?" Ranpo grinned.

The boy nodded, "Goodluck Edogawa Ranpo and Osamu Dazai," he waved his hands, "Thank you for coming, have a goodnight," he said in a louder and more polite voice as he bowed slightly.

-back to the present-

22nd February

"How long are you going to latch on me" Fumiya mumbled with his eyes on a sketchbook.

Dazai leaned on Fumiya's shoulder and purposely pushed him forward, closer to his book.

"As long as I like," Dazai teased lightly.

Fumiya didn't seem annoyed, he seemed contained. Quite frankly, Dazai wants to see him snap, anything for him to see Fumiya use more facial muscles.

Dazai has been not-so-silently observing Fumiya draw. He seems to be colouring flowers found around campus using a crayon. His curriculum was way lighter than everyone else's and when questioned, he simply said it's because he was too dumb and unhealthy to be out for long.

Fumiya immediately got up, making Dazai fall on the floor with a 'thump'.

"I told you, do not touch me. I don't...like it," Fumiya caress his bandaged wrist as if mimicking a certain sensation.

Dazai stared at him in the eye, "Your bandage is coming loose. At least allow me, a prodigy, to help," Dazai said while standing up, towering over the boy.

Fumiya shook his head, "I don't need help, please...go," he muttered.

Fumiya turned around and began walking back to his dorm. Much to his dismay, Dazai obediently followed like an owner following his lost puppy to see whether it knows the way back home.

"What's your ability, huh kid?" Dazai asked while leaning backwards.

Fumiya continued walking without halting.

"I don't have one."

"Then how did you get into this school?"

"I was just a very good fighter."

"Ah, don't you feel like a misplaced puzzle piece?"

"I don't have to feel misplaced if I'm not placed at all," Fumiya halted by his door, "I have work tomorrow morning and I'm having a terrible headache, I'm going to sleep. You should return home," Fumiya tried to slowly push the door closed but Dazai held it open with his arm.

"What are you working as?"

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"What are you working as?"

"A barista..," Fumiya mumbled.

"Eh? Why are you working?"

The boy gripped onto the door knob, "It's not right...for me to stay here without paying..."

"What are you good at?"

Fumiya pondered for a while before melting back to an emotionless face, "It doesn't matter, Dazai-san, I do not want a job at the ADA."

Dazai tilted his head curiously.

'He finishes my sentence nicely,' Dazai warmly thought.

"At least let me take you out."

Fumiya pursed his lips in some form of annoyance and reluctance. He bite his tongue, he didn't want to reply, he wanted to leave as soon as possible.


"See you at 10 tomorrow, at the school's entrance. I'll bring you to all the nice places—and also bring extra cash with you. I might not have any," Dazai giggled at the last bit of his sentence.

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