Yandere Adam X Male Femboy Reader (FLUFF)

Start from the beginning

After a week after [Name] saved Adam, he sometimes felt like whenever he went a pair of eyes followed him too. A feeling that someone was always watching him, but when he turned around no one in particular was there. It only got worse from there, as he sometimes found notes and presents outside his front door on the mat, like boxes of chocolates, or a single red rose. One day [Name] even found a handwritten note inside his home on the kitchen table, declaring that the writer loved him very much. 

Inside his house.

[Name] was not safe, regardless of who the writer was. But he assumed a human would do this, because an alternate wouldn't take it this far to pretend to feel romance towards a victim to manipulate him to his end. But that didn't reassure [Name] in the slightest, because his home was now unsafe from any kind of intruders now, both human and alternate.

And as time went by, Adam became more... stranger.

Not like he was an alternate, no. But his actions started to become strange for even an alternate. The blonde managed to pop his presence out to [Name] from seemingly nowhere and in the most random of places: he appeared beside [Name] in the café, when he was in shops, at schools, even before the fem boy entered his own home. At first [Name] didn't mind: after all, he had his eyes on Adam as his crush for some time by now. But as time went on, Adam's obsessive stalking and abrupt appearances took a toll for the worst. 

So when Adam came over to [Name]'s desk in one of the classrooms they had together, Adam confessed. He confessed his love for the fem boy, how much he adored [Name] to the point of not being able to live on without seeing his face at least once a day. How he loved the boy to the point of committing immoral acts, how he felt jealous when other people even breathed the same way towards [Name], everything. The blonde spilled and spilled so much, about his unconditional devotion towards the fem boy, that it unsettled [Name]. 

[Name] knew he had to reject Adam, and throw the feeling of loving him away, for the safety for both of them.

Adam did not take the rejection well.

And perhaps [Name] should never have rejected the lonely blonde in the first place.

Because one day, Adam came over to his house in the middle of the night, almost breaking down the door. [Name], confused, asked what the blonde was doing in his room when he saw a gun being pointed at his forehead. The same gun that Adam used to defend himself from the alternate before [Name] came to rescue him. At that [Name]'s expression turned to one of horror and terror. Where did that chill and considerate blonde he originally crushed for before his rejection? The Adam in front of him didn't even seem like the Adam he thought he knew anymore.

Where did everything go wrong...?

Was it when [Name] had saved Adam from that alternate last time, on the rainy and dark night? Where Adam seemed normal, when he ran away from humiliation when he got [Name]'s gender wrong because he was a fem boy?

What good times they were, even if the interaction was awkward at first glance. Worse yet was that that was probably one of [Name]'s first and last of the best memories with him and Adam. It was unfortunate to think about, as the fem boy was still held at gunpoint by the same blonde he thought he crushed on.

"You better be my lover, or else [Name]."

Adam's voice was sharper and more manic than usual, his gun still pointed at the other. [Name] couldn't tell if the gun was loaded or not, but he'd rather not take any chances. He did try to protest against Adam, but he pushed down the safety, ready to fire regardless if it had bullets in or not.

"I'll kill your loved ones, your friends," Adam threatened, slowly taking menacing steps towards the fem boy as [Name] took slow steps back, hands raised in the air. Adam continued on, "I'll kill EVERYONE you know and you hold close to you, until you have no one but ME to rely on. Is that what you want? Is that what I have to do to earn your love?"

[Name] was genuinely terrified, regardless if he felt fear often or if he was often a courageous person. So he answered in a blinded fit of fear and panic, yes. He would be the blonde's lover and no one else's. 

Adam's demeanor suddenly changed completely 180 degrees as he returned to the normal chill and easygoing college student [Name] always thought him to be. He smiled as his ocean eyes sparkling in joy, as he put his gun away in his pockets before hugging the fem boy, his now love interest. 

"I am glad to see you have agreed," Adam spoke in a relaxed and slightly caring tone as he hugged [Name] close to him, "I really didn't wanted to do that to everyone you know, but I only do what's necessary, you know what I mean?" Then Adam pulled [Name] over to the couch as he cuddled against the fem boy, comfortable yet strong enough to not let him escape his loving arms. Soon the blonde fell asleep despite that he was in a sitting position, but [Name] could not fall asleep. He dared not, how would he sleep with this person he thought he knew anyway? It seemed that [Name]'s fate was sealed forever with Adam. 

[Name] ended up spending all the night up, terrified and uncomfortable within his new lover's arms.

. . . . .

Sorry this was kind of rushed, my motivation dropped all of a sudden so I am writing this at 1 in the morning- I hope this was enjoyable, a strong chapter with a strong plot is coming soon right after this chapter, so don't worry! :D

(also apparently AO3 has a DDoS attack so i cannot access the website at ALL since yesterday night. So if this is published later in AO3, that's why)

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