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Super Why!: Super-Duper Adventures!
(We see Alpha Pig hopping around on one foot, clearly hurt by something.)
Alpha Pig: Ow! Ow! Owww!
(Princess Presto flies over.)
Princess Presto: What's wrong, Alpha Pig?
Pig: Princess Presto, I stubbed my foot on something, and now I can't stop hopping everywhere! Ow!
Presto: Oh. Hmmm. Well, this sure doesn't look like a job for Princess Presto. So I think this looks like a job for...
(Presto flies off and puts on some doctor clothes before swooping back in.)
Presto: Doctor Presto! Hee hee!
Presto: Now, let's see what's wrong with that foot of yours.
(Alpha Pig takes off his shoe to reveal a thorn stuck to his foot.)
Presto: Aha! Found it! According to Doctor Presto, it looks like you stubbed your foot on...a thorn.
Pig: Well, can you hurry up and use something to take this thorn off? It's really starting to hurt, Doc! Ow-ha-how!

(In a flash, Presto starts to take off her doctor clothes to reveal her normal princess outfit underneath.)
Presto: Cue the sparkles! Cue the music! Princess—
Alpha Pig: Uh, you mean Doctor?
Presto: Oh, right!
(She puts back on the doctor clothes, and strikes a pose.)
Presto: Doctor Presto to the rescue!

Presto: With my Magic Spelling Wand, I can spell the word "tweezers", and then I can pluck the thorn out your foot, Pig.
Pig: Oh, thank goodness!
Presto: Wands up!
(She flips out her wand, ready to spell.)
Presto: Hey, Pig? You mind spelling with me?
Pig: Oh, not at all.

Presto: Great! Here we go. T...
Pig: W...
Presto: Two Es...
Pig: Z...then a third E...
Presto: R...and...S! PRESTO!
(A pair of tweezers appear in Presto's hand.)

Presto: Spectacular spelling, Pig! We spelled "tweezers" and now I can use them to get that prickly thorn out! Let's take a bow!
(Presto takes a bow. She turns to Pig, who uneasily glares at her.)

Presto: Pig? Aren't you gonna—
Pig: I can't. Remember? Thorn in foot?
Presto: Right! Heh, I almost forgot!

(She carefully uses the tweezers and successfully plucks the thorn out Pig's foot.)
Presto: it!
Pig: Yessss! Thanks, Presto!
Presto: Anytime, Pig. (Gasp) Oh my peas!
Pig: What's wrong now?
Presto: Pig, I think we might need something to throw the thorn away in.
Pig: You're right, Presto. We do! And that means it's...

(Alpha Pig slides into frame, toolbox in hand.)
Pig: Alpha Pig to the rescue!

Pig: With my amazing alphabet tools, we can make a trash can to throw the thorn away! It'll be easy as A, B, C! Hey, Presto. Wanna sing with me?
Presto: Oh, sure!
Pig: Awesome! And a 1, 2, 3, 4!

Pig: 🎶 A, B, C, D, E, F, G!
H, I, J, K,
L, M, N, O, P!
Q, R, S,
And T, U, V!
W, X, Y, and Z! 🎶
Pig: Sing with me!
Presto: Okay! 🎶 A, B, C, D, E, F, G! 🎶
Pig: 🎶 H, I, J, K, 🎶
Presto: 🎶 L, M, N, O, 🎶 P for Pea!
Pig: 🎶 Q, R, S, 🎶
Presto: 🎶 T, U, and V! 🎶
Both: 🎶 W, X, Y, and Z!
Next time, won't you sing with me? 🎶

Pig: Alright, now let's build the word "trash can".
Presto: Ooh, I got the T, R, and the two As!
(She uses her wand to get the letters out the toolbox.)
Presto: There! Perfect!
Pig: Okay...Ah, found the S and H!
(He puts them with the T, R, and first A.)
Pig: Now all we need left are just the C and N. They might be a little deeper in the toolbox...
(Presto rummages in the slew of letters til she finally strikes some gold: the C and N they were looking for!)
Presto: Will these two work?
Pig: Hey, great job, Presto!
Presto: Why, thanks, Pig.

Pig: And now, let's put all the letters together! T...R...
Presto: A...S...
Pig: H...C...
Presto: A...N!
Both: Trash can!
(A trash can appears out of thin air.)

Pig: Lickety letters! We built the word "trash can", and now we can throw the thorn away!
(Pig throws the thorn in the trash can he and Presto had made.)
Pig: Let's give ourselves a big thumbs-up!
(Pig gives a thumbs-up to Presto, but then she gets an idea.)
Presto: Or maybe we could try a thumb-bump?
Pig: Ooh! Good idea, Presto! Thumb up!
Presto: Wand up!
Both: BUMP! (Mimic explosion noise)
(They both fist-bump their thumbs together, and make an explosion with their hands.)

Pig: You know what, Presto?
Pig: What, Pig?
Pig: Thanks for using those tweezers to get that thorn off.
Presto: Aww, it was nothing! And if it wasn't for you and I building that trash can, we'd still have a prickly thorn on our hands.
Pig: What can I say? I'm great at building words.
Presto: And I'm great at spelling them.
(They both hug! Aww!)

Pig: Hey, can I be the doctor this time?
Presto: Of course you can! Why not?!
Pig: Oh, I'll tell you why not, Ms. Presto! (Puts on a professional doctor voice while putting on Presto's doctor clothes) Because it looks like you've got a bad case of...the sniffles!
Presto: I do NOT! A...a...Phew, they're gone. Wait, no, they're back! (Pretends to sneeze) ACHOO!
Pig: (In normal voice) Told ya, Ms. Presto! It's definitely sniffles!
(They both laugh as the short ends.)

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