Reminder Profile and Harem

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Alright, let's get back to the reminder stuff along with a few changes starting with the name, so before I used (Y/N) but now I'm gonna do Y/N along with Y/N L/N just like Nintega so I don't have to use the balls over and over again, it'll probably change but that's the first change so far

Name: Y/N

Last Name: L/N

Next up is the stuff which I mentioned before which haven't changed

Mane and Tail Color and Style: (Your choice)

Coat: (You choose)

Now as you guys might remember Y/N has been turned into an Alicorn for the rest of the show so let's add that to the list

Species: Alicorn

The rest are still normal

Aura: (You choose)

Eye Color: (You choose)

Now, I forgot something which was the Cutie Mark so let me change that

Cutie Mark: A heart with a inner heart in the middle and a crown on top

Cutie Mark: A heart with a inner heart in the middle and a crown on top

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Just like many harem stories you may choose the colors of it

Now as for the harem I've thought for a minute and decided to probably add Misty since she's an recurring Character but so far she's a kind villain so let's just put her in the maybe section for now but it may change whenever me or JesusG0987 agree with it

Alright, now let's actually begin the series

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