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"Hey, Dodger?" Jane says, shifting her head to him, "hm?" He smiled slightly at her attentively, "would you like to come back to mine?" I continue, I see his face light up, "absolutely," him obviously trying to stay calm, I smile at him, I sit up and gesture him to follow me, as he did so, he followed my way to my home, as we reached it, a 'woah' escaped Dodgers mouth, I turn to him, "your house is humongous!" He looks at Jane in amazement, Jane giggles and unlocks the door quietly, "come in," Jane whispers, Dodger didn't even see the end of it, "and I just thought you'd prettied up your room," he whispers looking around, Jane chuckles at the comment, but then hears something, a whaling sound, she looked upstairs then back to Dodger, "do you hear that?" Jane turns to him, "yeah, yes I do," Dodger shifts toward the staircase where Jane was looking, "what do you think it is?" He said walking closer to her, "I wouldn't have a clue," Jane looks up at him, she then looks back intently at the staircase and grabs Dodgers arm, "c'mon," she whispered as they both went up the stairs, as they reached the second floor, the whaling became echoey, and down to the hall, to her mothers room, Jane looks at Dodger, as he did the same, she looked back and slowly walked down to hall to her mothers room she turned the doorknob.

"Mother..?" As she opened the door, the whaling noise became so loud Jane had stepped back into Dodger, which he had held her, trying to be quiet she looked at the room, it was dark, only one singular small candle was on, there was clothes and undergarments were all over the floor, and a stash of money was placed on the bedside table, Jane couldn't believe what she was witnessing, she completely froze, the echos of the smacks of the man and her own mother engaging in sexual intercourse, and the feeling of Dodger hands on her arms as she began to shake, "Jane?" Dodger whispered, clearly highly concerned, Jane sniffed hard and ran to her room, Dodger went after her slamming the door, the whaling and moaning still continuing, he followed her to her room, she sat down on the floor  leaning on her bed, sobbing into her knees, Dodger closed the door quietly, and went to sit next to Jane, "what was she thinking in engaging in a disgusting job like prostitution?!" Jane growled, "was drinking not already enough?" She lifted her head and looked at dodger, and sighed, "I'm sorry," she said, "No, no it's completely fine, you should never have to experience seeing your own mother like that," he said softly, She rested her head on his shoulder, sniffling, he gently wrapped his arms around her, resting his head lightly on hers, "why would she do this to me," Jane said whimpering, "I don't know Jane.." he answered softly, "maybe she just needs money, or maybe she's just doing it for the fun, I would expect she's doing it for the money, since you've said she drinks a lot," he continued, "maybe so.." Jane answered, "but there's so many other jobs she could do, I don't want her to be known for a job like prostitution," she said, "I don't want to have to hear it," she said nuzzling into Dodger, "well.. whenever it does, you can always sleep with me..?" He said, Jane lifted her head, looking at him, "well, not in that way," he said rather frantically, "I just mean you can always come to me if you need it," he continued, Jane chuckles, "I know what you mean," she says wiping one of her eyes with her sleeve, she looked up at him and kissed him, lightly placing her fingertips on his jawline, he had his eyes placed on her arms, then they both looked at each-other as the kiss broke, "I love you.." Jane said softly, Dodger smiled warmly, "I love you too,"  .

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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