My boys - chapter 3

Start from the beginning

"How was school?"

"Same as usual." I said with a sigh.

"Im guessing not too good, huh?" He questioned my short responce.


"It can't be that bad. Your mom told me you have a few friends."

"Ha! I tell her that so I have a reason to leave the house." I explain.

"So you don't have any friends?" He asked sounding very concerned.

"Nope" I replied.

After a few moments of silence I spoke up.

"Why did you pick me up?"

"Number 1 you live far away and 2 Colby and Sam told me what happened this morning."

"Oh." I respond slightly scared where this conversation is going.

"What happened?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." I snapped looking out the window.

"Yeah Sam said you wouldn't."

"Damn, how much did he tell you?" My head snapping to look at my brother.

"Everything." He said and laughed at my reaction.

"I know you like them Nevaeh. Is that what is bothering you?"

He knows me too well.

"Yeah." I sigh while blushing hard.

"And because Sam likes colby you are jealous?" He asked looking at me for a split second before his eyes returned to the road.

"Yeah." I sigh.

"I assume they are together and I know I shouldn't feel jealous because there is no way either of them would ever like me."

"Nevaeh, look I promesed I wouldn't tell you specifically some things but I hate to see you hurting." Jake says.

"Go on." I say when he pauses.

"Just wait it out. Things will turn out good and I say that because even if either of them liked you, we live no where near kansas. He explained.

"Valid." I reply feeling defeated as we pulled up to the house.

"Im not telling you to forget your feelings for them, you really shouldn't. Just give it time. perfection takes time and they aren't together silly." Jake said giving me the most serious advice he has ever given me.

"Okay." I respond as I closed the car door.

As I opend the front door, both of the boys ran up to me and hugged me, telling me how worried they were. After reassuring them I was okay a million times Sam finally let go and Colby left go too but not before kissing my head. They both gave me butterflies and hope. Maybe they do like me.

They wanted to watch a movie with me but I told them I had homework to do. They all begged me to watch it with them and convinced me I could do the work later. Jake even offered to do my work for me. I'd rather do it myself though considering Jakes intelligence. I sat on the couch furthest away from them unintentionally.

"Nevaeh why are you so far~" Sam whined and Colby aggreed with him.

"Where do you want me to sit then, huh?" I asked.

"Right here." Colby patted the spot inbetween sam and himself.

"Grab a blanket too!" Sam said with a big smile on his face making me giggle.

Ew did i just giggle?!

"Okay!" I replied not able to hid how happy I was.

"What movie are we gonna watch?" I asked.

"Lets see~" Jake said.

"We all know Nevaeh doesn't like horror so how about a horror movie?" Colby suggested.

"Hell yeah!" Jake shouted.

"No please no." I pleaded.

"You can't change our minds." Sam said putting his arm around me and covering himself with the blanket.

Colby also snagging a bit of the blanket and scooting closer to me. We ended up watching the conjuring and I hated every moment of it. Well, accept for every time I got scared and burried my face into sams chest. He smells so good and he would hug me tight reminding me that it wasn't real. I ended up falling asleep on Sams lap with my legs over Colbys because of how tired I was from school. Mondays suck but they aren't bad with my family around. I woke up to my mom asking if I had done my work. I haven't seen or heard from my parents since the boys supprised me. I was gonna tell her I didn't do it but colby lied for me.

"Yeah she insisted she finished it before we watched the movie."

"If you say so" My mom said and walked away.

"Oh and Nevaeh stop being a slut leave those boys alone!" She said as she headed for her room.

I could feel my eys burn for the second time today. I tried to run to my room to save myself the embarrassmentbut colby grabed my arm and pulled me in. I started sobbing because I can't take it anymore. Why did I have to be me? Why couldn't I be someone else? I started to calm down after colby sat me on his lap and sam rubbed my back.

"Field?" Jake asked.

Thats all he had to say. He knew I would feel better if I left the house. I just nodded my head in responce. I shoved my vans on my feet and chose to sit in the backseat not knowing Sam and Colby would both do the same as Jake drove us to our destination. Nobody said anything the entire car ride. Colby was drawing circles on my leg with his finger the entire drive. Once we sat down in the spikey grass, because no one brought a blanket, I broke the silence.

"Sorry you guys had to experience that." I sincerely apologized.

"It wasn't your fault it was mine for asking you to sit there." Colby said.

"If it wasn't my fault it couldn't have been yours." I retorted.

"It wasn't anybodys fault accept for your mom's." Jake said.

"I still feel sorry though." I said hanging my head.

"Its alright Nevaeh, you can't control your mom. If you could you would be living with us right now." Sam said with a small laugh making me smile.

Colby pulled me into him so I was sitting between his legs with the back of my head against his chest. I could feel his heart rate speed up as he put his arms around me practically hugging me from behind. I couldn't help but blush as Jake cooed at us. Sam said nothing but had a slight smile on his face.

"So what now?" Sam asked.

"We should head back. Colby I can't believe you lied to my mom!" I said, just now comprehending what happened causing everyone to laugh.

"Yeah tomorrow is going to be a long day for you." Jake said as we walked back to the car.

"Why me?!" I responded.

"We have some things planned." Colby responded not clearing anything up.

"You can't just tell me that and not say anything else." I whined.

"You see thats where you are wrong. I definitely can." Colby retorted leaving me stunned.

"Whatever." I said trying to hide how curious I was.

The ride home was silent but a comfortable silence. I fell asleep on colbys shoulder and Sam carried me to bed bridal style. My cat curled up with me and I fell asleep quickly. Putting an end to my emotional roller-coaster of a day.

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