Chapter 18

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Frida had her gaze fixed on the group of little dancers in front of her.

Karen and Inge were showing some positions to the kids for the umpteenth time, making sure that they all understood well and were on the same level. There was going to be a major recital that weekend where all the little girls and older girls would participate in one big show.

After almost 8 months together, Frida smiled slightly as she saw the great strides every single girl, and boy, had made since the beginning. Most of them no longer had difficulty learning and reproducing the proposed choreographies which over time had become increasingly elaborate.

Frida leaned one shoulder against the wall and moved her analysis towards the central and final rows, frowning slightly.

"Heléne, slow down a bit" she said loudly, her voice reverberating through the room, making almost everyone in the room turn.

Heléne looked at her, her eyes widening, caught in the act, and then returned to stare at the mirror, her gaze concentrated. But despite that, her gestures were always too fast or too tense.

Inge started the music again to which they should have danced that specific choreography and Frida positioned herself in the corner at the back of the room, thus having an unobstructed view of the whole group.

When the music finished, Frida felt quite satisfied. In a few days even the smallest imperfections would disappear.

"Very good, boys and girls! Very very good!" Karen clapped and the children followed, some laughing and hopping in place, others blushing and shuffling their feet "Frida?" Karen turned to her with a smile, inviting her to have her say.

Frida slowly positioned herself in the center of the mirror, looking proudly at every single face "You're very good. I'm proud of all of you" she said, smiling when she saw them embarrassed "This weekend will be a success and I'm sure each of you will give your best and it'll be simply perfect. Also because we always aim to give our best, right?" a chorus of high-pitched little voices replied in the affirmative "Ok! Now go and change and remember to do some stretching first. Tomorrow don't forget to bring the authorizations we gave you today, ok? See you tomorrow, beautiful people!" .

The children greeted them with a chorus of "Bye!" and little hands waving as they thronged at the door. Karen and Inge smiled at her and followed them, constantly urging them not to push or get hurt.

Frida giggled, watching until the last child exited the room, and then she turned to her right when she saw movement out of the corner of her eye.

"Heléne?" Frida called to her, approaching her slowly, her arms folded across her chest.

Heléne looked at her briefly and then lowered her gaze towards her backpack, placing her pink Frozen water bottle inside. Despite that, Frida noticed her shining eyes and her frowning expression.

"Hey?" Frida murmured, approaching and placing a hand on her shoulder, crouching next to her "You ok, little one?".

Heléne took a deep breath, too deep for a child of her age, and then murmured "Yes" her small voice cracking.

Frida watched with a frown as she quickly ran a small hand over her eyes, furiously trying to wipe away any kind of tears that threatened to stream down her face. Frida knelt next to her and gently took her backpack from her hands, putting it down and immediately making her turn towards her with her hands on her shoulders.

"You sure? You know you can talk to me, right?" she murmured, smiling at her slightly and tucking a few strands of blonde hair behind her ears.

Heléne looked at her briefly and then almost sank her chin into her chest, pouting, trying to be strong.

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