Curious, Changbin inquired, "Why?"

Felix replied with a grin, "I don't know, I just want to ride with you, like we're a couple, you know."

Changbin raised an eyebrow and teased, "Are you marking your territory?"

Felix playfully responded, "Yes, I am. I want everybody to know that you're my territory."

Changbin chuckled and said, "I didn't know you were the jealous type."

Felix admitted, "Neither did I."

Changbin shook his head, smiling, "You're adorable. We can do whatever you want."

Felix's eyes sparkled with mischief, "Oh Changbin, you shouldn't say that to me. There's so much I want to do with you, you can't even imagine."

Changbin playfully rolled his eyes and said, "I take my words back. Let's go, we're running late."

They headed to the garage, and Felix eagerly hopped into the passenger seat of Changbin's car, excited to embark on their first day as a couple.

Changbin teased, "I thought you wanted to show off your fancy car."

Felix retorted, "Why? I'm going to be staring at you the entire ride. It'd be too dangerous to drive my precious car while I'm so distracted."

Changbin laughed, "You're too cute, my heart can't handle it. Let's go, we need to pick up the guys."

Changbin started to drive. As they cruised along, Changbin remembered something exciting, "Oh, we just finished recording our new track. Do you want to listen to it?"

Felix's eyes lit up, "Of course I want to! How dare you even ask that?"

Changbin pulled a flash drive from his pocket and handed it to Felix, saying, "Here, please play this."

Felix took the flash drive, hesitating for a moment, "Isn't it against the rules to let me hear it before it's released?"

Changbin reassured him, "No, it's fine. We're going to upload it to YouTube tomorrow, so it's okay."

Felix grinned and eagerly plugged the flash drive into the car's stereo system, excited to hear their new music and share this special moment with Changbin.

Felix nodded and eagerly pressed the play button. The music began to fill the car as they drove, the beats and melodies of 3racha's new song captivating Felix. He found himself particularly mesmerized by Changbin's rough, powerful rap, which seemed to resonate with him even more now that they were together. The track was a testament to the talent and chemistry of the group, and Felix couldn't help but feel proud of his boyfriend and the rest of the members.

As the track came to an end, Felix turned to Changbin with an amazed expression on his face, "Have I ever told you just how incredibly talented you guys are? This song is amazing! I can't believe how you manage to create such incredible music time and time again." His eyes sparkled with admiration, making it clear just how much he appreciated and respected Changbin and his fellow group members for their artistry and dedication.

As they approached the dorm, Felix spotted Chan and Jisung waiting for them. He couldn't contain his excitement, so he rolled down the car window and playfully shouted at them, "I'm sorry, but are you the amazing and incredibly talented 3racha I've heard so much about?"

Chan and Jisung laughed, their smiles brightening as they saw Felix sitting in Changbin's car. They knew something good had happened between the two.

After hopping into the car, Chan couldn't help but ask, "So guys, are you going to share some news with us?"

Felix beamed and announced, "Yes! I managed to catch the best man in the world, and now we're dating!"

Jisung chimed in, "Oh, that's so sad for Changbin! I'm pretty sure he wanted to date you too, but now you've found someone else."

The entire car erupted in laughter as they continued their drive, the atmosphere filled with good humor and the happiness of new beginnings.

As they arrived at school, Felix and Changbin walked hand in hand, proud of their newfound relationship. As they walked from the parking lot, they could feel the stares of their fellow students and hear the whispers that followed them. The gossip was a mix of surprise, admiration, and envy.

"Are they dating?" one student asked. "What a beautiful couple," another whispered. "Felix could've found someone better," one said, while another countered, "Changbin could've found someone better, too." Some students even admitted, "I knew Felix chose Changbin because he loved him," and "I didn't know Changbin liked boys – if I had, I would've tried to date him, too."

Despite the variety of comments, most of the reactions were positive. They attended a progressive and affluent school where people were generally open-minded, and nobody cared whether others were attracted to boys or girls. The school even had some crossdressers among its student body, who were accepted and respected by both their peers and the school administration.

As they approached the main entrance of the school, they came across four of their friends. Seungmin, always observant, immediately noticed Changbin and Felix's intertwined hands.

"Is this what I think it is?" Seungmin asked, raising an eyebrow.

Felix nodded, his face beaming with happiness. "Yep, it's official!"

Jeongin chimed in, grinning at Changbin, "Man, you're so lucky to have snagged Felix!"

Changbin couldn't help but smile in agreement. "Yeah, I am. I'm incredibly fortunate."

Their friends gathered around the couple, offering heartfelt congratulations and teasing them good-naturedly. As they exchanged jokes and laughter, it was clear that Felix and Changbin had the support and love of their friends, further solidifying the joy of their new relationship.

As they walked towards their lockers, Felix suddenly stopped Changbin and asked, "Wait a second. Are you free this weekend?"

Changbin thought for a moment and replied, "This Saturday, we have training until 3 pm, and after that, I'm free until Monday. But I have some homework to do."

"Could you do your homework earlier?" Felix asked. "I want to steal you away for the weekend."

Changbin nodded. "Yeah, today's Wednesday. I can make time today to finish it. But I might not be able to visit you because of that."

Felix suggested, "You can study at my place, like you sometimes do."

Changbin hesitated. "Yeah, but I also have some music stuff to work on with the guys."

"One day, I'll kidnap you and all your stuff and move it to my place," Felix declared playfully.

Changbin laughed, "Whoa, easy there. We've only been dating for about 12 hours. That's moving a bit fast, don't you think?"

Felix sighed and said, "Maybe it's too fast for you to decide on your own, but it's not too fast if I kidnap you."

Changbin chuckled, "That doesn't sound too bad, actually. Okay, so I'll drive you home today and then head to the dorm to do my stuff."

"Can't you stay over tonight?" Felix asked hopefully.

"No, I'm sorry," Changbin replied. "But I can come over to your place tomorrow after training. Is that okay?"

Felix agreed, albeit a little reluctantly. "Okay."

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