" He's sick? ", Jisung answered.

" No, he's pregnant. Knocked up. Up the duff, you dumb little shit. "

Jisung gasped out loud, Chenle dramatically fell from his seat. They all looked at Haechan expectantly, he nodded as a confirmation. There was a moment of pin-drop silence before all hell broke loose.

" Holy shit!"

" What the fuck?! "

" He ain't a virgin anymore?! "

" Hey, shut your mouth! Do you want everyone to know? ", Haechan chastised. The trio listened to him and moved closer as they whisper-yelled questions after questions. Haechan felt his palms sweat again. Jaemin noticed his discomfort and saw him get paler and paler every second.

" Hep! Stop it! You're scaring him! One question at a time, okay? "

" Me first", Renjun initiated, " So he went to you last night to tell you his pregnant? "

"Yes. "

" How far along is he?", Jisung asked.

" 8 weeks. "

" Look, let's address the elephant in the room, okay? Who's the father? Did he tell you? ", Chenle inquired. At that moment Haechan hopes the ground swallows him whole. He felt like a prey under his friend's impatient gazes. He doesn't even know what to say. Almost 12 hours had already passed since Mark dropped the news and it still hasn't sunk completely in his head. He felt a lump in his throat.

" Well, Chan? "

Renjun stared Haechan up and down. He can see the younger tapping his foot and noticed how nervous he looked. It took exactly 59 seconds for him to piece everything.

" Wait! You- ", he stood up in shock,  and point an accusing finger at Haechan, " You're fucking Mark! "

" Heachan's fucking Mark?!", Jeno screamed wide-eyed. He entered the cafe unnoticed by the group with Yangyang due to how immersed they were with the topic.  Haechan bolted straight up from his seat to clamp a hand on the newcomer's mouth. It was then that he noticed Yangyang too, with a hand over his mouth and his bag carelessly thrown over on the floor. He looked around and noticed many of their schoolmates now looking at the ruckus they've done.

" Ha ha ha" , he nervously laughed, hands still covering Jeno's mouth, " nevermind you guys. It was a misunderstanding."

He pry his hands away and pulled the two closer as they stand still paralyzed in shock. He then whispered for them to go sit down between Chenle and Jaemin, the two still in shock followed his command. A moment of silence passed before Jeno broke it as he hoarsely asked a question.

" What's happening ? What are you guys talking about? And you? You're fucking Mark? "

" Please for the love of god can't y'all filter your words? Do you want the whole university to find out? ", Haechan groaned out annoyed. Forget his mom, Mark himself would be the one to skin him alive.

" Holy shit, you didn't deny it! ", Chenle exclaimed.

" Also umm.. Mark's pregnant. ", Jaemin casually dropped the bomb over their heads. Yangyang spat out the water he's drinking from shock.

" Jaemin! "

" Look, sorry Haechan but they heard it already. Might as well fire the gun while we're at it. "

" Wait! Hold up! You've been screwing Mark behind our backs and now he's pregnant? ", Yangyang asked , obviously bewildered by the news. That's so unlike the Mark he knew. The man literally is immaculate and pure. Besides how can he even fit a booty call in his schedule comprised of being the student council president, varsity player and literally a dean's lister. And on top of that he's also an engineering student and that alone takes a big chunk of his day.

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