His Cure

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Wilbur's pupils glued to Tommy, the words rang threw his mind making every inch of his body froze. The words that had pushed out so abruptly but somewhat poetically from the blonde's mouth. The teen's words needed to be true, the sickness had chose Tommy for a reason.

He found it strange the fact he would spent countless hours stalking the boy's every move. Watching his every step and stalking his every movement, Tommy had become his prey for almost months which was far longer than anyone else but Tommy had made it so hard for Wilbur to obtain him.

Tommy wasn't like anyone else he had fed to the sickness. Every other victim was an: outcast, freak, loner, druggy, failure, forgettable, replaceable, traumatised and Tommy didn't fit any of those. Tommy oozed with potential, every sound from his mouth was a lyric, each tear was a cure and every single beat single beat of his breaking heart was a rhythm to march to. Tommy was far too perfect to kill. His skin was meant to keep it's warmth and his mind was meant to explore the pleasures of the world.

Wilbur's face cracked a grin into it as he looked over Tommy's body, his mind overflowing with thoughts while Tommy sat silently and composing himself. Tommy tried to read what his Kidnapper wanted.

"Tommy do you want to live?" Wilbur's tone was unsettling calm, it flowed out of his mouth like it had been in the back of his throat for a while now. Tommy looked at the brunette a breath escaping his nose, such a simple question wrapped up in this confusion.

"of course I do." Lept from Tommy's lips his voice hasty and desperate. Wilbur smiled satisfied with the answer the young teen had given him.

"How desperate are you too live Tommy?" Wilbur asked this time leaning down to look into Tommy's tearful eyes which Tommy did not try and hide. Tommy looked the monster face on. If Tommy was dumb he would scream in this beasts face, show his hate but he was finally getting somewhere with Tommy.

"I really need to live. I have so much to live for. I'm so young and I don't want to die like this." Tommy spilt from his throat each word started to be laced with pain and suffering, he pulled his watery eyes from Wilbur's too hide his broken heart. He desperately pulled in a breath to push down the sobs clawing their way out.

A hand was placed onto Tommy's shoulders throwing his fight off letting his battle from his own sobs fail. A broken whine was let out and tears fell fast trying to run from the body Tommy was in. "That's it Tommy let it all out. I'm here Tommy." Wilbur's voice called to him in an soft way, a way Tommy refused to believe was the same man. But the voice didn't stop, "Tommy do you want to prove it? Prove that you will do anything to live."

He didn't even get to finish before the teen was nodding yes, his head still dropped and his eyes still raining on his lap he nodded wanting to show his wish too live. "yes... yes yes" Tommy muttered softly. The monster above Tommy smiled.

"That's it baby," Wilbur reasurred Tommy gently as he walked to towards the back of basement out of Tommy's sight. He listened as a packet was opened and again he was in front of Tommy with something small in his grasp, "now Tommy if you want to prove it you are going to have to do something for me darling." Each pet name that fell from Wilbur's tongue made Tommy feel ill.

"Tommy I'm going to untie one of your hands now, if you attempt to hurt me or escape once that hand is free you face consequences." He explained as Wilbur's hands made it to the rope on Tommy's right arm starting to free it. As it got looser Wilbur kept his left hand on top of Tommy's arm keeping it in place. Wilbur was currently gambling with the fear in this teen and it sent himself crazy for doing so. Tommy let out several breathy whines feeling his hands free from the hate of the rope, even if Wilbur's hand crushed it back against the arms of the chairs it was a whole different texture and actual human skin and warmth.

The rope was loose and Wilbur's hands weight started to free Tommy's arm, "just obey Tommy that's all you have to do" Wilbur added to make sure Tommy knew his place before his arm was free.

Tommy slipped his arm out from the loose rope that held it captive, his movements were slow but he stretched his arm out and greatfully sighed. He looked up at Wilbur with a look that wasn't as bitter as before.

"What do I need to do?" Tommy asked shakily looking up at Wilbur hopefully, Wilbur let out a small admiring filled smile back before starting to explain. "Now Tommy I need you to prove something to me" He started his face starting pick up some enjoyment of the situation again.

"I want you to cut yourself"

Tommy's eyes shot open, he could never tell you what he expected but not that at all, his body shook, the same feeling of death lingered over his head teasing him once again. He saw the excitement in Wilbur's eyes it wasn't anything but pure joy.

Wilbur grinned happily as he walked over to Tommy razor blade in hand, he dropped it on Tommy's lap before quickly pulling himself back not wanting to be in the receiving end of Tommy's fear.

Now Wilbur's game was in play, would Tommy cut himself just for a false freedom or would he refuse submitting to a false death. This was all just a test to see if Tommy would blindly obey Wilbur.

Okay now it gets really exciting and non-conny from here so strap in my problematic palls.

Word count- 1013

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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