The Teen

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The teen alarmed Wilbur to his waking with his sweet melody of screams and cries. He was relentless, his broken voice spreading it's self from the basement to the house above. The sounds were anything but faint, they were loud, they echoed through the warm house making it impossible for Wilbur not to admire his efforts. The desperate sounds ranged from begs for help to some imaginary people and calls directly to Wilbur, his screams for Wilbur short and anything but sweet. Well obviously the teen didn't understand he was talking to Wilbur but him begging to be let go only made Wilbur wish he could have his name pushed out of the teens mouth.

The teen didn't stop his broken song it getting a slight rythm to it. Only if Wilbur wasn't pushed on by the fact he was minutes away to walking down and talking to the boy he would be sat in his own kitchen consumed by his sickness, he would just be  pumping away. Getting lost in the sound, in the pleas, in the broken sound the boy pushed out of his throat. Wilbur would use his hand desperately showing his love and compassion to the boy, thrusting every single loving praise into the teen, showing he was sorry. He was sorry. He could be sorry. He had to be sorry. Wilbur dragged air into his lungs before letting it out.

Wilbur looked at the door, the door to his basement, the door that would take him to his Tommy. He let it open with a screech of warning to the teen.
"HELP!" the young teen let out as the door let out it pained noise from years of misuse, "Oh thank god, I'M DOWN HERE!" Wilbur could here some sort of panic lift from Tommy's heavy voice, a panic that would be payed on thicker when Tommy realised he had to circum to his fate. The fate the sickness has chosen for him.
Wilbur stayed silent as he left the rest of the stair and stood just around the corner to where Tommy sat. Wilbur knew Tommy wouldn't be able to see him but the nerve of seeing Tommy bubbled in his. Finally alone with Tommy, their perfect victim.
"It's okay Tommy." Wilbur cooed as he turned around the corner.

The teen was the perfect mess, his eyes had spilled tears threw the fabric over his eyes and down his cheek, snot ran out from his nose and sweat showed his tiredness after fighting aimlessly against the rope that bounded him to the chair. Tommy hung his head and just sobbed, Wilbur would of let pity streak throughout himself if he wasn't admiring Tommy. The blonde had definitely the most fight of any of his victims trying to make Wilbur's job a massive inconvenience every step of the transport and Wilbur hoped that wouldn't change now.

"Who the fuck are you?" Tommy cursed at his capture hate lacing his shaky voice. His sniffily question got returned with a smirk, a smirk he couldn't see but Tommy knew it was there. Wilbur crouch in front of the teen the way you would with a small child and ripped the blind fold from his face. Tommy squinted the light attacking his pupils which has been protect by the darkness, he let his eyes prepare them self before opening them. Tommy's eyes shot open not expecting Wilbur so close.
"Well Tommy as it is only fair to you, I am Wilbur" Wilbur calmly said with that same smirk on his face before breaking his crouching position and standing up straight. Tommy took in a deep breath trying to compose himself.
"What the hell do you want from me?" Tommy let out his voice slipping and letting the fear consume his words. Wilbur looked at Tommy his eyebrows raised the sarcastic sympathy showing on his face.
"Tommy... I'm gonna kill you."

The blonde teen broke, his head immediately dropping letting out broken sobs then another round of fighting the ropes that bounded him.
"Oh no. Tommy I didn't mean to upset you" Wilbur said fakily his face taunting Tommy before Wilbur turned around grabbing his equipment.
"Wilbur. You don't have to do this." Tommy cried which made Wilbur stop in his tracks. Wilbur's face scrunched into annoyance.

Of course Wilbur had to do this. He was sick, he had to do this or he would do it to someone close to him. He needed to sooth his sickness with Tommy's blood and if he didn't it would get more angry and aggressive.

The anger bubbled up in him, how could Tommy the perfect victim not understand. The sickness chose him and he was spouting stuff like this. He gritted his teeth and held his fists tight.
"I do need to do this Tommy. I need to feed it. I need to feed my sickness Tommy. I can't help it!" Wilbur scolded as he turned around, he swiftly kicked the chair Tommy was bound too on its side sending Tommy flying down with it. The teen went down with a thump, a yelp and a couple of curses but Wilbur couldn't care less.
"This could of been so easy Tommy. You could of died quickly and prettily but I don't think the sickness would let me get away with that." Wilbur explained his voice seeping with anger as his spoke with a hiss. Tommy froze realising he had dug himself a deeper hole.

"Please Wilbur! Don't do this! I won't tell anyone if you just let me go!" Tommy begged looking for any root he could get out of this alive. Tommy couldn't die, he couldn't die down in this old, damp basement with a lunitic. Tommy watched as the knife was taken from a table, his view not clear from being strapped chair that was on its side.

"I can't do that. You don't understand I have to keep the sickness down. This is the only way to tame it Tommy," Wilbur started to rant to Tommy as he pulled the chair up back onto all fours and he started to walk around Tommy, "The blood, the screams, the pleas are going to sooth it. Keep it from hurting me, from taking over" He crouched back in front of Tommy knife on his hand. His voice dropped slightly, "I don't want it to take over Tommy. I am scared Tommy. I'm sorry you have to be the one"

Tommy's body shook, tears streamed and his heart was flipping. This man was bad shit crazy. Wilbur stood up and put the knife too Tommy's stomach just above his belly button.
"I'm going to stab you in the stomach a couple times before stabbing you in the heart to end it all, okay Tommy? All you have to do is scream and cry for me" Wilbur explained far too calmly for what he was planning on doing to the young teen.
"Wilbur please no" Tommy pushed out threw his tears.
"Tommy it's going to be quick my darling" Wilbur tried to ressure Tommy, "in 3 okay?"

"...1" Tommy tensed his body, his stomach dropping and all life didn't feel really. Everything became distance and soft his mind refusing to take on the information that was coming from his senses.
"...2" It was funny, his life wasn't flashing before his eyes, he wasn't thinking of family or friends, Tommy had always thought his would fight to the death if he was in this situation but now in it he stared brokenly into his murders eyes.
"... 3" The blade was pulled back and...


Wilbur paused.

Words: 1278

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