Chapter 36- The Awakening

Start from the beginning

"I'll handle this. The Avatar is back." Aang opens glider, but grunts in pain."

Katara approaches Aang. "Aang, wait! Remember, they don't know we're not Fire Nation!"

Sweating, Aang puts his glider away.

"Everyone just stay calm." Hakoda and Bato put their helmets on. "Bato and I will take care of this."

Pipsqueak and The Duke cover Appa and Momo, while Aang, Toph, Sokka, Katara and I hide in a square hole, under the staircase.

"I hate not being able to do anything." Aang grumbles, annoyed.

"Hopefully, you won't need to."

I felt a tall presence from behind me, pressing their body weight onto my back.

"Sokka," I lowkey growled. "Is that you?"

No response, but I knew it was him. To tease him, I slowly arched my ass toward him as I heard a low growl escape his lips.

"You two, are nasty." Toph mumbled. I forgot she could sense us.


"What's going on?" Katara mumbles.

Toph quickly jumps out the staircase and shouts. "They know!" She metalbends the bridge between the ships off. The captain and his guards fall into the water. Katara creates a large wave which separates the other ship from theirs. Our ship departs quickly.

The second ship begins firing at us. Toph takes an earthbending stance while The Duke stands behind her to guide her. "Load the Toph!"

Pipsqueak drops a boulder in front of Toph who begins earthbending it at the attacking ship. It hits a catapult as another fires. others try to fight back with a series of rocks that Toph earthbends at the other ship. With The Duke's guidance, Toph earthbends another piece of rock and sends it to intercept the oncoming fireball.

The other ship fires a harpoon, piercing a hole in our ship's bottom. As water flows in, Katara, noticing this, freezes the water below to plug the hole.

"I'm gonna give us some cover!" She brings up vapor from the water to create a fog screen. However, a fireball makes its way through and destroys the rocks that Toph had been using.

Two fireballs hit the ship causing a fire. Katara quickly extinguishes it with waterbending.

"How we doing?" Toph asks.

"Things couldn't get much worse." A serpent rises from the water near their ship. Sokka turns around and looks at it in despar. Yelling. "The universe just loves proving me wrong, doesn't it?"

"You make it too easy!" Toph shouts.

The serpent is hit by a fireball from the other ship. In anger, it wraps itself around the other ship, allowing our ship to escape.

Sokka hugs me tightly. "Thank you, the universe."

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Aang went under the Fire nation ship to the rooms once everything had cooled down. The ship had arrived in a part in town.

We all headed town to Aang's room. Sokka slammed the door opened.

"Hey, Aang!" Toph sweetly said. "We're going into town to find some dinner."

Aang clutches his stomach. "Well, I am pretty hungry. Maybe dinner's a good idea."

"Here," Sokka offers a Fire Nation bandana to Aang. "Tie this around your head. It will cover your arrow."

"I'm not going out if I can't wear my arrow proudly!" Aang lies back down in bed.

"Aang, come on. Be practical."

Katara places a hand on Sokka's shoulder. "You guys go ahead without us. We'll catch up to you." Toph, Sokka and I exit.

Later that night, after we had headed into town and brought back some dinner, Katara had returned back to Aang's room.

She came back running up the deck, minutes later crying that Aang had ran away.

We all gathered around and thought it was best to depart from the others. We had goodbye to Hakoda and the others, and we would regroup a couple days before the invasion.

The next morning at dawn, we took off from the Fire nation ship and flew on Appa to search for Aang. We eventually found him washed up at the base of a volcano.

Momo finds him and licks his face, waking him up. Katara, Sokka, Toph and I find him, reaching him via Appa.

Katara runs to hug him, her worried look changing to happiness. "You're okay!"

We all, including Momo and Appa, come together for a group hug.

"I have so much to do." Aang whispers.

"I know," Katara replies, "but you'll have our help."

"You didn't think you could get out of training just by coming to the Fire Nation, did you?" Toph said.

"What about the invasion?" Aang asked.

"We'll join up with my dad and the invasion force the day of the eclipse." Sokka reassures Aang.

I notice Aang's damaged staff has washed ashore. "Hey! What's... oh, it's your glider."

I hand Aang his staff. "That's okay. If someone saw it, it would give away my identity. It's better for now that no one knows I'm alive."

Aang flies up and sticks it in the volcano's lava trails, causing it to catch fire.

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