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"why are you stressing?" jeno sighed, laying back on renjun's bed as he looked at the third outfit in his mirror.

"i wanna look sexy~" he huffed, shaking off the stress, "no, this one is fine, it's fine."

"you're going out with yangyang and his friends, jun," jeno spoke, as renjun turned to face him, "tryna impress hendery now?"

"no, jeno, i'm trying to impress yangyang," renjun growled, a pout on his face, making jeno less and less intimidated by him, "i want him to fall in love with me so he can make out with me in the corner of the room."

"i'm sure he'll do that, in love with you or not."

renjun nodded, smiling, and grabbing a jacket, "jen, i'm losing my mind."

"maybe you could talk to him tonight?" jeno suggested.

renjun tilted his head, "what, when we're drunk and hendery and ten are there? dont think so."

"i'm sure he'll give you a lift home.." renjun fell onto his bed, eyes shut as he listened to jeno, "just.. chat to him in the car about it."

renjun let out a loud groan, as jeno teasingly slapped his stomach, sitting up, "he'll be here in five minutes. if i have to sit in the back with the other two i'll lose it. i better have passenger princess privileges."

jeno rolled his eyes, "have fun, jun."

renjun smiled, hearing jeno leave the room, "love you!"


in the car, hendery had been banished to the back seat when renjun arrived, yangyang making an excuse that he gets carsick if he sits in the back.

hendery and ten were giggling to eachother in the back, while yangyang and renjun shared a conversation, and sweet smiles.

it was late, and renjun felt calm, looking out the window and watching the busy seoul streets on this saturday night.

yangyang was a crazy driver. sometimes renjun questioned why kun let him use his car.

it wasnt like he was dangerous, and fast, he was just so carefree and confident. renjun found it kinda attractive, actually.

which is why he spent most of the ride staring out the window.


"you want a drink?" yangyang asked, over the loud music and the conversations over the bar, next to where they stood. renjun nodded, but declined it be payed for, "i can get it."

renjun shook his head once more, getting out his card and pushing yangyang gently to the side, and ordering a drink.

rolling his eyes, yangyang took renjun's card, and placed it back into his wallet, before putting that back into his bag, "yangyang~"

"shut up," yangyang replied, tapping his card instead, before renjun could get his back out, "my treat."

renjun rolled his eyes, thanking the bartender and walking away with yangyang.

he was right about it not being a busy club, but it was still decently full, with people stood around, sat down, dancing, and getting up and down to order drinks.

hendery and ten had clearly been pre-drinking, so they'd already ventured to the dance floor, where there was a really tacky -renjun thought- DJ, and many different lights.

honestly, renjun could already feel his headache.

"how're you feeling? wanna go up there? or do you wanna find a table?" yangyang asked, connecting his pinkie with renjun's, "i dont mind."

libidinous ~ renyangWhere stories live. Discover now