Cin shrugged, feeling a surge of restlessness inside her. "I needed the walk," she said, brushing past Hadden and continuing down the hall.

He sighed before turning to follow her. Cin knew better than to protest, he'd follow her anyway.

Hadden took the lantern from her and led the way. If he couldn't dissuade her, then it was his duty to stay by her side. They passed by the foyer, where Solan, the night usher, was dozing off in his chair. He jolted upright at the sight of them descending into the foyer, where Hadden gave him a nod of acknowledgment as they strode by.

As they approached the Great Hall, Cin spotted movement coming from within. She paused and peered in, her curiosity piqued. In the dim light, she could just make out a tuft of white hair mulling about the Rose Throne.

"Oy, boy! What are you doing here?" Hadden yelled, his voice booming across the empty Hall.

"Hadden, wait." Cin stepped forward to intervene and frowned at his aggressive tone. "Aeson? Are you alright?"

She waited for an answer as she strode toward him. Behind her, Hadden lurched forward, genuinely anticipating an attack from the child. Aeson didn't respond, he just slid behind the Rose Throne and stayed there.

Cin walked towards the throne, peering around it to see Aeson crouched there with a look of terror in his wide eyes. He stuttered, "Please don't kick us out. I c-couldn't sleep, that's all, I swear."

Cin relaxed and said, "Oh, good. I was worried you were up to no good."

"No, no-no, I swear."

"Well, if it is truly a case of sleeplessness, I think I have just the remedy." Cin held out her hand, praying silently that Aeson would take it. His wide eyes darted between her hand and her face, unsure of what to do. But then, with a trembling breath, he tentatively reached out and curled his tiny fingers around hers. The simple gesture sent a jolt of warmth through Cin's heart, and she felt a sense of relief that she could offer some comfort to this frightened child.

As they left the Hall and entered the spacious kitchen, Hadden remained silent, his face betraying no hint of emotion as he hopped onto the counter by the doorway, deciding to sit there and eat from the bowl of nuts on the opposite countertop. Cin focused on comforting the young boy. Though Hadden's stoic demeanor seemed callous, Cin knew that deep down, his heart was heavy with concern. She silently hoped that someday he would let his guard down and allow himself to show his true emotions.

Cin gently placed Aeson on a stool near the warm hearth, coaxing a small flame to life with delicate strokes.

"Rough night?" she asked, her voice soft and soothing.

Aeson nodded slowly, watching as the flames flickered to life. He took a deep breath, the warmth of the fire easing some of the tension in his body.

Cin retrieved the jar of cocoa beans from the top shelf with a sense of familiarity, the task of making hot chocolate providing her with a moment of respite. She poured the ingredients into the pot and began to stir, the soothing aroma of cocoa filling the kitchen. As she worked, she sensed Aeson's curiosity and concern, and she knew what he wanted to ask.

Without turning to face him, she explained, "I was attacked...some time ago. And sometimes, when I close my eyes, the memory of it overwhelms me, and it feels like it's happening all over again. Does that make sense to you?"

"I do," he said with a deep breath, "I get them too sometimes. Before Zay found Aetlani and me, a man robbed us of our food. He said Spring children had no business eating Summer food. Sometimes in my dreams, I can still hear him."

Dreams of Spring (Tamlin x Hyacinth Novella)Where stories live. Discover now