Overall Kiera and her pack was a force to be reckoned with.


As the starting days of college approached, the members of Kiera's pack were filled with nervous anticipation.

The prestigious reputation of their pack had earned them the respect of the supernatural community but at same time they knew that all eyes would be on them.

Kiera, as their alpha, had already learned everything about business world and had even established her quite a reputation in city.

However, college was a new challenge altogether.

Beta Marcus, the calm and composed advisor to Kiera, was also worried about her fiery nature.

He knew that Kiera could easily be angered cause of her alpha nature, and he didn't want any unwanted confrontations on their first day.
He had already briefed her on the importance of maintaining a professional image, but he couldn't help feeling nervous.

Meanwhile, Gamma Aria, Kiera's best friend, was excited about the prospect of meeting new people and making connections with other packs. She had always been the social butterfly of the pack, and college was the perfect opportunity for her to shine. However, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous about living up to their pack's prestigious reputation.

Delta Liam, the mischievous but serious member of the pack, was also excited for college but worried Altogether and knew well the consequences of his antics. He knew that Kiera had high expectations of him, and he didn't want to disappoint her or tarnish their pack's reputation.

The day before college started, they all gathered together to make mock  preparations about everything.

However, their preparations were not without some comedic scenes. Liam had forgotten to pack his favorite hoodie and spent hours searching through his closet for it. Aria, on the other hand, had packed an entire suitcase of different outfits, unable to decide what to wear on the first day.

Even Marcus, the most composed member of the pack, had accidentally spilled coffee on his shirt while rushing to pack. Despite their nerves, they couldn't help but laugh at each other's antics and found comfort in each other's company.

As they settled, they couldn't help but feel the weight of the expectations placed upon them.

They knew that their every move would be watched and judged by other packs and individuals.

However, they were determined to succeed and make their pack proud.

As everyone laughed all thing off but,
Kiera noticed that her pack members were getting more and more nervous. She knew that they were all excited about starting college, but she also knew that they were feeling a bit overwhelmed. She thought of an idea to lighten the mood a bit.

Before a week they were supposed to start college. Kiera organized a fun day . They all went to a nearby park, where they played games, had a picnic, and just enjoyed each other's company. Kiera even brought her guitar and sang some songs, which made everyone feel more relaxed and at ease.

As they were all heading back ,Kiera noticed that Marcus was pacing nervously back and forth. "What's wrong?" she asked him.

"I don't know," he replied. "I'm just nervous, I guess. What if something goes wrong? What if we're not prepared for college,the issues with security and all?"

"Don't worry," Kiera said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "We've got this. We're the top most powerful pack in Varenthia, remember? We can handle anything."

Marcus nodded and eases a bit.

As they arrived back to pack, Kiera noticed that Liam was looking a bit pale. "Are you okay?" she asked him.

"I'm fine," he said, but Kiera knew that he was nervous.

"Listen, Liam," she said, kneeling down to his level. "You're going to do great. You're a strong and capable member of this pack, and I know that you're going to make us all proud."

Liam smiled weakly, but Kiera could see the determination in his eyes.

Kiera couldn't help but feel proud of her pack. They were all strong, capable, and determined, and she knew that they were going to do great things in the future.

As the day went on, Kiera noticed that her pack members were starting to relax a bit. Kiera was happy to see them all thriving.

As the day ended, Kiera couldn't help but think about her own journey. She had been nervous and unsure when she first became the alpha of the Kiera pack, but now she felt confident and capable and she knew that her pack was going to be just as successful as she was.

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