chapter 9

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Delta Liam stepped into Alpha Kiera's office with a nervous expression on his face. He knew he was in trouble and he was already coming up with excuses in his head.

"Delta Liam, please take a seat," Kiera said calmly, gesturing towards the chair in front of her desk. She sat back in her own chair and folded her hands in front of her, studying Liam for a moment before speaking. "I received a report that you got into a fight on the first day of college. Is that true?"

Liam shifted in his seat and avoided Kiera's gaze. "Yes, it's true. But it wasn't my fault, Alpha. The other guy started it."

"I don't care who started it," Kiera said sternly. "As a member of this pack, you are expected to represent us well in public. Getting into a fight on the very first day of college is not a good start."

Liam looked down at his hands, feeling guilty. "I know, Alpha. I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

Kiera leaned forward, her eyes piercing. "That's not good enough, Delta. I need to know why you got into that fight in the first place. And I need to know that you have a plan to control your temper and avoid situations like this in the future."

Liam hesitated for a moment before finally speaking. Delta Liam tries to explain himself more thoroughly, expressing his regret and frustration over the situation."The other guy was bullying a smaller student. I couldn't just stand by and watch. But things got out of hand and the next thing I knew, we were fighting when he started making derogatory comments about our pack ." He admits to losing his temper. He acknowledge that he was acting on impulse without considering the consequences. He tells Alpha Kiera that he understands the severity of his actions and is willing to accept any punishment she deems fit.

Alpha Kiera listens to Liam's explanation carefully, her expression stern but not unkind. After Liam finishes speaking, she lets out a deep sigh and speaks in a softer tone. "Liam, I understand that you were provoked, but you should have known better. We cannot let our emotions control our actions. We are held to a higher standard as protectors of our pack and ambassadors of our pack. Your behavior not only reflects poorly on you but on our entire pack."

Also "I appreciate your desire to protect the weaker ones, Delta. But there are better ways to handle situations like this. You could have reported the bully to the authorities, or come to me for help. You don't have to fight every battle on your own."

After a moment of silence, Alpha Kiera's expression softens even further, and she places a hand on Liam's shoulder. "However, I know you to be a good wolf who has made a mistake. You have accepted responsibility for your actions, and that shows character. I forgive you, but there will be consequences. You will undergo anger management training and community service to make amends for your actions."

You didn't do anything wrong just the situation were not ideal to be influenced with emotions.

Liam nods in understanding, grateful for Alpha Kiera's forgiveness but also aware of the severity of his actions. Before he can speak further, Alpha Kiera's expression turns solemn, and she speaks again. "Liam, I have one more task for you. I need you to find my mate. I have faith in your abilities, and I trust that you will not let me down."

Liam nods solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation. He assures Alpha Kiera that he will do everything in his power to locate her mate and bring him back safely. With that, Alpha Kiera gives Liam a nod of approval, and he sets off to fulfill his task.
Delta Liam left the pack house in a hurry, feeling a mix of shame and determination after his conversation with Alpha Kiera. He walked with purpose towards the pack stadium, where he knew he could gather the young members of the pack who attended supernatural college and school.

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