Beast, Demon and humans

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Beasts in Varenthia have evolved with the power of aurora, resulting in fiery and primal instincts that have made them a force to be reckoned with. They possess heightened strength and a strong sense of territorial nature, making them both a nuisance and a danger to those who cross their paths. However, they are mindless creatures, and merely act as natural predators, living according to the law of the jungle.

In some rare cases, beasts in Varenthia can be infected with an excessive amount of aurora or magical essence, causing them to go berserk and exhibit an extremely high killing instinct. These beasts become ten times stronger than a natural beast and pose a significant threat to other species. However, such cases are few and far between and can only occur in highly concentrated areas where aurora gathering is high.

Despite their fiery nature and territorial behavior, beasts are primarily mindless creatures that function as natural predators and live according to the law of the jungle. They are a constant nuisance and danger to other species, given their heightened strength and strong birthing rate. In addition, their tendency to become berserk due to excessive aurora infection further increases the threat level they pose.

To protect themselves and their territories, beasts have developed natural instincts and heightened senses. They are incredibly adept at detecting danger, and their instincts allow them to defend themselves and their territory effectively. However, these instincts also make them somewhat unpredictable and challenging to manage, as they can become hostile towards any perceived threat, even if it is not an actual threat.

Given their primal nature and uncontrollable behavior, beasts are often seen as a threat to other species, leading to conflicts and skirmishes. However, some species have learned to coexist with beasts, either by establishing treaties or through mutual respect and understanding.

Demons are powerful creatures in Varenthia, known for their strength and dangerous nature. They live according to the law of the jungle, where only the strongest survive. Exploring Varenthia can be a challenge, as the demons fiercely defend their territories and can pose a significant threat to unwary travelers.

The physical appearance of demons can vary, but they are generally large, imposing creatures with sharp claws, teeth, and powerful muscles. They are known for their exceptional endurance and stamina, which allows them to continue fighting even in the face of significant injuries. Demons are skilled hunters and can track their prey over vast distances using their heightened senses.

In addition to their physical prowess, demons are also known for their magical abilities. They can harness the power of aurora and manipulate it to create devastating spells and enchantments. Some demons have the ability to fly, while others can teleport or shape-shift into different forms.

Despite their reputation for being ruthless and bloodthirsty, not all demons are inherently evil. Some have formed alliances with other species, while others prefer to live in isolation. However, it is always best to exercise caution when encountering a demon, as their unpredictable nature and potential for violence make them a formidable opponent.


Humans living in Varenthia have learned to coexist with the various species that inhabit the land, including werewolves and vampires. They share the cities and nations, and the two species have a significant impact on human society.

The concept of blood mate and soul mate plays a significant role in the werewolf and vampire societies. A blood mate is a human who shares a strong connection with a vampire, and the two are bonded through the exchange of blood. In contrast, a soul mate is a werewolf's perfect match, and the two share a strong bond that goes beyond the physical realm.

The existence of blood mates has led to significant changes in human society, as some humans are drawn to the allure of living forever by becoming a vampire's blood mate. It has also caused conflict, as some humans fear the power and influence that vampires hold over them. Werewolves, on the other hand, value their soul mate above all else and will go to great lengths to protect them.

Despite these differences, humans have found ways to live alongside the supernatural species, and many have even formed close relationships with them. In some cities, humans and supernatural beings have come together to create thriving communities that benefit all parties involved. In other areas, there is tension and conflict, and humans must tread carefully to avoid causing harm or offending the powerful beings that live among them.

Overall, humans have learned to navigate the complex relationships and power dynamics of living with werewolves and vampires in Varenthia. While it is not always easy, it is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the human race.

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