TUTORING SESSIONS (full length smut)

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Deep breaths.

Take in deep steady breaths.

You kept repeating the instructions in your head as you walked over to your room with him tailing behind.

It had been weeks now since Aemond had started tutoring you; and weeks since you've been feeling the burning heat between your legs.

You prayed to God he wouldn't notice the slight tremble in your legs as you pulled your seat back.

You stood there staring at him as he took his own seat. Your eyes were trained on his every little movement. By now you knew by heart how the first few moments would unfold.

You recited the actions in your mind beforehand as he did his little routine.

First he would pull off the black hair tie off his left wrist with his teeth.

Then he would put his long snow hair back in a careless bun. His arms flexing subtly, as he would take the tie off his mouth to secure the bun.

He would crack his knuckles while stretching, making every vein of his strain on his muscles seductively.

And then finally he would bring out a pen from his pocket and recline in the chair, with his legs spread wide and would look at you with a raised eyebrow, waiting for you to show your homework.

"Well? You're gonna sit or what?"

The deep voice snapped you out of your daze  and you realised you were gawking at him while still standing behind your chair like a fool.

You felt your face heat up as you scrambled to sit down, mentally cussing yourself for behaving like a clutz.

Aemond shifted his gaze back to the books spread across the table and began to look at your work.

Did he not notice?

You didn't know whether to feel relieved or dissapointed.

After weeks of lusting over your tutor in silence you finally decided to make a bold move.

That day you 'forgot' to wear your bra beneath your cute baby pink t-shirt, which sat tight across chest.

But seeing as how Aemond didn't even spare a glance at your body, you surmised he must've not noticed it yet.
You still had hope to catch his attention though.

You leaned forward, pushing your your tits together, to look at your notebook that he was currently checking.
You deliberately shifted close enough to let your breath fan his arm softly as he checked your work.

You looked back at his face, hard with concentration. The deep rumbles as he hummed to each correct answer, made you feel lightheaded. It was a wonder how you hadn't moaned out loud yet.

Dejectedly you spent the next half an hour working on math problems.

Does he really have no interest in me ?
You thought to yourself.

You decided to try again . Your hand slipped purposefully and dropped the pen you were holding, which rolled right between Aemond's legs.

The fates must've been on your side.

While whispering a soft 'oops sorry' you get down on your knees and lean slowly and deliberately between his legs with extra care to push your shorts clad ass in the air. You didn't dare look at him but you fantasized the kind of expression you would want on him.
Letting a slow sigh you stretched forward to retrieve your pen, but a sharp tug on your hair made you stop.
You felt your head being pulled backwards by a firm but gentle grip.

AEMOND TARGARYEN ONESHOTS (smut)Where stories live. Discover now