Aemond what-if scenario

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What if Aemond's wife(y/n) is someone who is extremely touchy and has a constant need of clinging onto him. And even though Aemond really enjoys it in private, he is awkward and hesitant to reciprocate your affections in public (not going further than holding hands or placing a hand at your lower back).

And one particular day, when he was extremely conscious of portraying a stoic image of himself in front of the high lords, you come over and practically jumps into his arms and smother him in kisses, not caring about the audience present.

And Aemond detaches you harshly before giving you a fleeting look of annoyance.

Your heart gets shattered and from that day you never initiate any form of physical touch with your husband, neither in public nor private.

Aemond gets devastated by the realisation of just how much he loved and missed your casual show of affection, your adorable face looking at him as if he's the most precious person to yoy. His heart drowned in guilt whenever he tried to touch you and saw you flinch away or remain unresponsive.

It had been barely two days since the incident until he couldn't take your cold approach anymore and begged you to forgive him. He had prepared a long speech in his mind to make you understand just how much he craved your divine touch.

But he decided that the best way to communicate this wouldn't be through words but through his body, his lips. And hence he began his worship on your body, kissing and licking every inch as if he needed you to breathe.

You gave in, and tried to pleasure him back, but he just softly kissed your hands and placed them by your side while he went down on you, making you cum endlessly on his tongue. He drank your juices like it was ambrosia.

You lost track of the number of times you came

undone, and drifted to sleep while vaguely

registering the warm embrace of your husband

as he cuddled you and pressed his lips by your temple in a, what seemed like a never-ending kiss; just like his love for you.

From that day onwards, Aemond was the one who constantly seemed to need your touch. His hands would find their way around your waist to pull you towards him, in public. His newfound behaviour surprised everyone, but you couldn't be more ecstatic. He would even firmly place kisses all over face whenever he felt like, making you blush deeper than rose.

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